Secret Crush on the Mechanic 2

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A/N: Charlie Watson x Reader





Y/n's POV:

Me and Charlie are still in the room after a couple of minutes of her holding me and hugging me, I still don't know how she found out me and my feelings for her, I mean... I feel a little bit of relief now that she knows.

"Char—Charlie?" I whisper to her, she hums at this. "How'd you find out?" I ask her quietly, she moves me back and sits me down on a table and starts to explain the odd situation on what happened. I try to think of how could've heard me.

"It was weird to be honest, and I didn't really believe it." She expresses to me, I nod my head understandingly. It's understandable she wouldn't believe it since I've been bullying her for so long, "Since... you know." She lets out, with a shrug. I nod my head.

"Yeah... yeah, I know..." I let out, I go to speak and explain more on why I've done what I've done but do I even deserved to be heard out? I know if it was the other way round, I wouldn't even know what to do; I'd probably just go on with my day, and not care. "What're... what're we gonna do?" I ask her, glancing over at her. Her head turns to me and glances at me before her eyes fall to the ground.

"I don't..." She pauses and looks down, her shoulders falling. "I don't know." She lets out, I sigh at this. I stand up and turn to her.

"I... really am sorry, Charlie. For everything I've done." I apologise to her, "You're really amazing and I am sorry to hear about your dad." I express to her, she just stares at me and doesn't really say anything; one reason why I like Charlie so much is that normally I can read so many people, but with her? I can't read her. She's unreadable for me. I go to speak but decide that I should probably just leave,

"The girl had... dirty blonde hair, she was head-cheerleader I believe." Charlie informs me, standing up; I turn to look at her and I realise that it was Eddie's girlfriend, Chrissy, who had told Charlie about my feelings. I wondered why she hadn't showed up and now I know why. "Does that help?" She asks me, I nod my head and offer a light smile.

"Yeah." I let out, "I'll... um... bye." I try to think of what to say and itch the back of my neck awkwardly, I head toward the door; unlock it and leave the room, deciding to skip class and head to the library to hide in there. One thing I like to do is read, none of my friends know that apart from Eddie, Deena, and Chrissy. I don't talk to Chrissy that much, but I do quite like talking to her; she makes my Eddie happy so... that's all I want. I pick out Othello and start to read at the back of the library and in between two aisles, I try to read it but struggle quite a bit.


It's been a few days since I found out that Chrissy told Charlie about how I feel, I haven't seen her though, I hope she'll be here when I see Eddie and Deena. I arrive at the bench and see her sitting, laughing as she looks at Eddie with those love eyes, as much as I wanna be mad at her, I can't. She's too nice to me. But still, I deserve to scold her.

"What... the fig, Chrissy?" I ask her, storming toward the bench and sitting next to Deena, I shove my bag underneath the bench.

"What?" She asks, innocently. Glancing at Eddie then back at me.

"You told her, I know you did because she told me." I answer, her eyes widen for a moment and she reaches for my hand but I move it back and underneath the table, fiddling with my rings on my hands as I bounce my right leg.

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