"I'm glad you're here"

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A/N: Nadine x Reader

Requested by: jbmarvel007

Summary: Darian and Krista have a date night and Y/n sneaks through Nadine's window to spend time with her since Nadine felt lonely and one thing leads to another and feelings are said and kisses are given.



Nadine's POV:

I'm really bored as I wanted to hang out with Krista tonight but apparently she is going out on a date with Darian? I don't know, sounds dumb to me so now I have to try and figure out what to do instead, she invited me over to her so we're hanging out but she's getting ready now so I'm waiting for her to get out of the shower. This is so boring, she soon comes out as I'm watching the Princess Diaries. 

I have to admit, I was hoping for something like that to happen to me but nope. What did I get? My dad dying. How dumb is that, am I right? I mean come on, I asked for a princess. Not Miss Death to come and take away the only person in my family who understands me. They are completely different things yet the universe has it's curse on me. And I have to suffer with it and live with the curse for my entire life. 

Love life, don't you? 

Bitch, please. Just take me to hell already...

"Nadine." I hear Krista call on me, I turn to her and she shows me two different dresses, "What one?" She asks me, I shrug lightly.

"Um," I sigh, processing the choices; I glance between the two, trying to imagine them on Krista and if she'll look good. The second one would be a good choice, "the—the one on your right hand." I tell her, pointing it. "T—That'll look good— yeah, that one." I say, as she moved it closer. I nod my head. She looks at it before turning to me,

"Thank you." She grins out, smiling before heading into the bathroom and chucking the dress in her left hand in the direction of her closet. I wait for her to come out of the bathroom dressed and I think she told me to help her with her hair but it'll probably just be her doing it and then her acting as if I did all the work when really I give up after 5 minutes. But hey, it's still nice of her to even cheer me on, she's a good support system. 

After a few minutes, I hear her sigh contently before coming out of the bathroom and showing off her dress to me; I grin at this and nod my head lightly, giving her a thumbs up trying my best to show her my support.

"You look great." I tell her, hoping that she'll believe me, as it'd be upsetting if she didn't since she really does look beautiful. "Are you excited?" I ask her, she nods her head lightly.

"Yeah!" She answers with a wide smile, I nod my head lightly and watch as she heads over to her desk and starts to put on her make up while doing her hair, me having to help at some points and I really did try to help but yeah, no. I barely did anything. It was mostly just Krista instructing me on what to do and me doing it terribly. Hopefully, she isn't mad at me, I don't mean to be bad at helping people with their hair, it's just I'm not very good at it; I mean, it's not like I want to exactly be a hairdresser or something, I'd be awful at that even if I did have practise. I'd be really bad at that. 

"Did I do okay?" I ask her, she nods her head lightly.

"Yeah," She grins out, looking at me through the mirror; she probably notices my upset demeanour, "hey, it's fine. You did good." She tells me, offering a smile that I return. I sit back down on her bed and sigh in relief, continuing to watch TV while she continues to get ready for her stupid date with my stupid, stupid brother.

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