Quiet Lover 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader




Tomorrow will be part 4 of Wanted and Desired and you are going to find out something... BIG! and it's not Kathleen's big dick energy which is a shocker.



Y/n's POV:

Hailee and I are literally two idiots when we're with each other. We can spend every waking moment with one another and I would feel as though it was never enough, I just wanted her. Sometimes it hurt as we would have to hide and it's not like my friends are aware of our thing that we have going on called a 'relationship'. It's been going on since the summer. And if you told me last year, when I was on the verge of giving up, that if I waited till summer. I would truly get to know the Hailee Steinfeld that everyone adores and wants and is after, and she wants to date me. 

I would laugh in your face. 

I wouldn't believe it, sometimes I still don't and I overthink but she has always assured me and made sure that I know that she just wants me, she's literally declined someone in front of me and completely embarrassed them when we went out on a breakfast date. The waiter wanted my number and her reply was:

"Well, you see, she would if she found you attractive but we are dating and I can't think that when my amazing and so beautiful girlfriend is right in front of me," Her head droops toward me and I blush at this, keeping my eyes to the table, too embarrassed to meet her eyes. "I mean, she just takes my breath away every single time that I see her, it's hard not too. I mean, I'm sure your..." I can see her tilt her head from side to side before shrugging, "fine." She concludes sounding a little disgusted. "But this amazing girl just fuzzes my brain. I can't help but fall in love, ain't that right, babe?" She asks me, I take her hand and place a kiss on her hand.


"But yeah, we are happily dating. Our 3 months is actually tomorrow." She informs him, embarrassing him even more. I blush at this, clearing my throat; she looks over at me and I use my thumb to stroke the back of her hand, I give her a sign to just stop and calm her down which she does, she sighs. "Can I get my pancakes now, Jordan?" She asks as I've already ordered,

"C—Coming right up." He mumbles quietly and speed-walks away, I turn to her and she smiles at this,

"I mean, did I do great? Or did I do great?" She asks me, I laugh at this and lean over placing a kiss on her forehead.

"You told him." I say, cheering her on as I move back; she laughs at how quiet I am compared to her, 

"Yes, I did." She states, smiling widely as she sways left and right. "So, what test have you got next?" 

"Video Game Development." I answer, she nods her head lightly. 

"Is it easy?"

"It's easy for me, but complex for people who just don't pay attention or listen." I answer truthfully, she nods her head lightly, taking a sip of her milkshake.

"Right, I would suck." She tells me, I chuckle at this and shrug.

"We'll see, you might not." I assure her, placing a kiss on her hand again as I look out the window. This is gonna be a nice breakfast date.


I'm walking in the hall and as I go to talk to Angel, I feel a hand on my shoulder that falls onto my chest.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now