⚠️Struggle 2⚠️

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

I'm doing a part two because I felt as if part one was unfinished

TW: Body Dysmorphia, Self-Harm, Depression, and Anxiety



Hailee's POV:

Florence has been staying with us for a couple of days, making food for Y/n to eat and to try as she's very picky at what food she eats as the food she eats are to o small and although they are healthy, it's as if she'll have 3 grapes and that will be her for the day. Maybe even a day and a half.

I don't think Y/n is actually registered that Florence is staying here. I would say that it's kinda funny how she hasn't realised yet but the reason why she hasn't registered is what makes me feel so shit and upset.

Right now, I'm at my mom and dad's house, at their home-gym, my dad's here but I'm massively distracted and I think he can tell,

"Come on, Haiz, you're not pushing yourself." He expresses to me on my water break, I take a sip of the water and shut the lid over, letting my shoulders fall.

"I know, I'm just... distracted..." I answer in reply,

"Well, do you want to talk about it?" He asks me, I nod my head, feeling my heartbeat grow faster than it already is, feeling as if I'm betraying Y/n when I know I'm not. I'm just telling him something that I need advice on.

"It's... Y/n." I start, seeing his eyes shoot toward me, he loves Y/n and already thinks of her as his step-daughter, any minor inconvenience and he straight there to help her out.

"What's going on with her?" He questions,

"Well... she hasn't left the house in almost 2 months, she's barely eating, she barely even leaves our bedroom, I had to sit in the bath for 4 hours once just to try and help her out of the bath which scared me and I'm just worried about her. She could eat a single chip and not eat for 2 days after that, saying that she's 'full'." I explain to him, feeling myself want to cry more and more; only realising that I am when my dad pulls me in for a hug, "I don't know what to do..." I say through sobs, as he wipes my tears for me.

"How long has this been going on?"

"I don't know... 2 months, maybe 3." I guess, shrugging. "I just want her to be happy and I tried to tell her that I think we should see a professional but she just told me 'No, thank you' then fell asleep." I continue onto explain,

"Honey, you have to realise that you can't fix everyone's problems. You are not only putting stress on yourself but you could be stressing her out by trying to fix it." He answers in reply, "This is a mental battle that yes, you will need to be there to help her, but she has to come to you if she wants the help. This is a battle that she needs to overcome, not everyone can rely on person because... well, what if something happens to you?" He rhetorically asks me, my eyes looking around the room, trying to think of what would happen if something did happen to me, she'd be miserable. "She'd be miserable, and she would need to overcome the grief by herself, and on her own." He answers himself, "So, yes, I understand that you want to help but sometimes, you just need to be there and let her figure it out herself." He explains to me, continuing to wipe my tears.

"...I'm scared, Dad, what if I go home and something's happening? What if she needs me right now and I'm not there—"

"—Then go. We can continue another time, and do more." He answers in reply, "Just... go be there and try not to be so offering and more just being in the moment and listening." He explains to me, I nod my head and grab my things, quickly shoving everything into my duffle bag and quickly rush to my car, driving home and calling Florence.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now