Secret Relationship

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A/N: Nadine x Reader

This was requested by: @jbmarvel007

Summary: Y/n is Krista's older twin sister and when Darian and Krista start dating, Y/n is dragged along to hang out with them and Nadine and over the summer, they get closer and closer and start secretly dating. That is until a certain someone walks in and a very awkward conversation starts.



Y/n's POV:

I really can't believe that I'm doing this, how has Krista managed this then? How have I went from saying 'no' to hanging out with her and her boyfriend and his little sister to now in the car with Krista to go over to Darian Franklin's house. I can't believe I'm doing this...

"Cheer up," I hear Krista tell me, glancing over at me. I glare at her.

"Yeah, sure, I'm just totally not about to fourth-wheel right now." I complain, Krista rolls her eyes at this and shakes her head.

"You overreact." Krista replies, I scoff at this.

"I think I'm perfectly allowed too, since, y'know, I'm not exactly friends with Nadine or Darian." I remind her, she sighs at this and just stays quiet.

"I'm trying to help." She replies, "I mean it's not exactly like you hang out with anyone, I'm trying to help you gain a new friend."

"I don't need friends, I need good grades so I can go to the college that I've been wanting to go too since I was 8." I rebuttal which Krista lightly laughs at,

"The one that's over 2,000 miles away from me, mom and dad?"

"Oh, our parents who are divorced? Yeah, I think so." I argue back, it going immediately quiet afterwards for the rest of the car journey to the Franklin household. As Krista pulls into the driveway, I just lightly hit my head against the head rest behind me,

"Stop that." Krista tells me sternly, "You're going to hurt yourself." She adds in a stern, motherly tone.

"You forgetting that I'm older than you?"

"You forgetting that I'm the one that can drive." Krista argues back, I scoff at this argument as I can drive. "Stop."

"I can drive or were you too busy hanging out with your friend that you just completely forgot that?" I ask her, rudely. She's barely been there for me and has missed out on a lot, she's only ever started to make an effort now. Just as we are starting our last year of High School and then we're going to be going our separate ways. I don't want to get attached for nothing. She pulls the keys out the engine and I get out, waiting for her. She locks the car and walks ahead.

Should I just make a run for it?

Krista walks over to me and grabs my arm,

"You're not getting away from this that easily." Krista tells me, I groan at this and she drags me toward the door, she knocks and soon Nadine opens the door,

"Hey, guys!" Nadine says with a wide smile tugging on her lips, Krista returns the smile and hugs her.

"Hey! I missed you." She admits to Nadine, I look at her confused.

"You saw each other yesterday, did you not?" I ask her, they both turn to me and Nadine just smiles while Krista looks at me as if I said something dumb. "What?" I ask, "It's true." I add, Krista rolls her eyes at this and turns to Nadine.

"Is Darian here?" Krista asks, Nadine nods her head and we're allowed in, we both walk into the living room and Darian walks over to Krista,

"Hi." He greets her with a smile, hugging her. She hugs him back and he kisses her cheek, they pull away and he turns to me, "Hey! Y/n, right?" He asks me, I nod my head. "I'm Darian." He introduces himself, putting his hand out.

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