Wanted and Desired 10

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A/N: Hailee x Reader





Katie's POV:

"You wanna tell me why you didn't tell me it was your birthday?" Hailee asks me, I don't answer and just stay silent, "What, am I getting the silent treatment, now?" She asks me, I huff at this and look up at her, but she looks really intimidating so, I just decide to not say anything. I clench my jaw and connect my hands together as I bounce my leg, not knowing what to tell her as I'm still annoyed that Ben fucking Robertson kissed Hailee 'Goddess' McCallister without her consent. "Katie, will you talk to—?"

"Did he kiss you without your consent?" I snap at her, standing up and finally looking at her. She stares at me for a moment, her now staying quiet. "I swear to god, if that asshole did, I'm fucking—"

"Woah! Okay, sit down, and calm down—!"

"I'm not gonna calm down! He can't just do that!" I argue with her, she rolls her eyes at this.

"God, you're overreacting over nothing." She complains, looking at me as if I was mad at her for something so little when really I have every right to be angry.

"So are you." I rebuttal, she scoffs at this.

"What kind of person doesn't tell their..." She pauses and I just continue to stare at her, I cross my arms.

"Go on, Hailee, tell me what we are." I push her on, she sighs at this, shaking her head.

"This is ridiculous." She complains,

"No, what's ridiculous is that prissy asshole." I express to her, "Come on, even you hate the guy's guts!"

"Why're you making this such a big deal?" She asks me, I just sit back down and shake my head, letting go of my hand's and running my hand through my hair, trying to calm myself down but it's kinda difficult when the girl you like and have a crush on is simply egging you on, it's as if she's trying to get a reaction out of me or something. I hate it. I hate feeling like she isn't mines, as possessive as it sounds. I just hate it.

"I'm... not..." I mumble in reply, looking at her, she scoffs at this.

"Fucking clearly—"

"All right, whatever. Should I go since I'm such a bother to you?" I question, standing up and beckoning toward the door,

"No, I don't want you to go, I want to know why you're acting like this and why you hid your birthday from me." She expresses to me; I roll my eyes at this, letting my hands hit against my thighs as I shake my head lightly,

"Because... it—it isn't a big deal!" I express to her, her raising an eyebrow at me as she moves her back off of the wall.

"That doesn't mean you don't tell anyone about it—!"

"—Okay, well, no one gave a shit about it before—"

"Then tell me! If you told me when it was, I would've shown you that I care! Your brothers care as well!" Hailee tries to express to me,

"Fine, fucking hell, it's my fault. Now why didn't you tell me that you and Ben fucking Robertson kissed... without your consent, may I add?" I question, there was now a silence. "Why're you ignoring the question, Hailee?" I ask her, she sighs at this.

"Because I don't see why I should answer it, it's pointless!"

"Doesn't seem pointless, did he at least apologise for it?" I ask her, hoping to find some sort of answer here.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now