• Pyaar Ki Raat •

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Naina felt her heartbeats dwindling when she was blessed with soft warm kisses on her neck.

Sameer raised his head, his midnight black irises boring into her welcoming caramel ones. He gently put a loose hair strand behind her ear, his fingers brushing against her stone stud. He inclined his head and pressed a light kiss on her cheek, smelling the scent of her vanilla night cream.

Naina gripped his shoulder in response, squeezing her glossy red lips, and Sameer pushed his nose closer to her petals, inhaling a deep breath to relish the fragrance of her tempting raspberry lip balm. He struggled to find her sweet spot while blowing air on her parted lips, and his thumb grazed provocatively on her thigh as he brushed his lips against her malleable ones, kissing her calmly without the rush.

Sameer felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach when he was devouring her heavenly lips. They are so soft, kissable, arousing and so juicy that he felt thirsty again and again. His throat went dry, his eyes yearned for her, and his heart invited sparkles of Chahatein while he was smooching his wife lovingly, soothingly, and delicately. Moving his hand through her forearm to stroke her green bangles. Naina tilted back her head, twisting her tongue with his playful one to evoke a game of irresistible desires in their burning souls, and her henna-adorned palm rested behind his nape, dragging him extremely closer to her body.

Her bangles jingled arousingly around the calm room, and her soft moans doubled his urge to satisfy her.

Sameer ran the tip of his tongue all over her soggy lips, loving the sweetness of the dessert combined with her gloss sliding inside his mouth. He bit on her lower lip with tenderness and then sucked her mildly bruised skin in utmost pleasure, his fingers untangling the gentle knots of her silky nourishing hair. Their bodies pressed shamelessly with each other, letting them feel one another's frantic heartbeats. Naina couldn't help but utter his name in a throaty voice, and it excited his insides to love her madly.

Sameer moved his lips calmly around her curvy ones and slowly drew back himself, staring longingly into the depth of her mesmerizing orbs. He blinked innocently and shifted his burning gaze at her cleavage, giving him a glimpse of her hidden muskmelon. He rested his thumb on her nipple and his other hand untied the knot of her lacy black cloth, freeing the fabric from her flawless beauty. He saw the unstable rise and fall of her chest when his intense eyes perused her forbidden secrets, and his fingers itched to unbuckle the bra.

Naina broke the buttons of his shirt in zest and earned an audible gasp from her husband who was astonished by her exceptional skills. She adorably stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and lovingly slid off the piece of cloth from his broad shoulders, tossing it in some corner. He wasn't wearing a vest, he sat in front of her with just trousers, his swelled-up chest looking pleasing to the eye. Naina swirled her tongue on his breast simultaneously clasping his wrist, and her arousing twirls and strokes burnt his veins. She pushed him down on the bed with a seductive smile, and hovered on his lean figure, her dainty frame pressing against his bare one.

Naina tucked back a soft hair strand, staring affectionately at his budding smile, and her wet lips wandered on his thickened stubble. She bit his hairy cheek in enthusiasm and traveled to cherish the softness of his earlobe. Sameer wasn't able to take normal breaths, his wife's unlimited spongy kisses were drawing him closer to the borderline of self-control, and one more minute of her torturous caresses and he will forget to hold onto his thriving urge to dominate her. He clutched her velvety hair in his palm and whispered her name in a husky voice, his rough lips gently colliding with her soft mole.

Sameer was bewitched by her radiating beauty under the dim lights, narrating stories of a seductress through her expressive eyes. Her mangalsutra dangled against his hairy chest, and the pendant settled on his throat when she moved her head to suck his earlobe. The sight was so beautiful that he felt like watching his woman adorned with ornaments given by him. Her chudiyaan rang musically in his ears when she ruffled his fleecy furs, and her warm breath echoed in his heart with instruments of love.

Prem Vivah - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now