• Labor Day •

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5 months later...

Everyone was standing or sitting on the empty benches with tense faces, restlessly praying for the poor woman who was sent inside the operation theater for a C-section, after waiting for the water break for hours and hours.

It was Radhika's Labor Day today, and only she knows how many complications she has faced in all these nine months for her baby.

Aditya, her in-laws, and her friends were there with her constantly, trying their best to ease her pain and inner turmoil, but nobody could understand the pregnant woman's countless body problems, hormonal changes, mood swings, nauseous feeling, irritation, struggle while sleeping, eating, walking, getting up, or turning to the opposite side for the comfort.

Bearing a human inside her womb for this long was too much for the delicate girl to go through, and she was already warned in the initial days by her gynecologist that her pregnancy could be lethal and complicated.

Hence she should take care of herself and the little infant inside her with tenderness and consideration.

It has been freaking three hours since the professional doctors were working on Radhika and the lazy baby who wasn't ready to come out of his mother's tummy.

They were trying all the possible ways to help the fragile girl to not end up getting into serious health issues, and deliver a good-chubby baby.

Radhika was injected with an anesthesia syringe, which numbed her body as she might not be able to handle the unbearable severe agony of a cesarean.

• Naina was feeling anxious ever since she saw her childhood best friend screaming in affliction, wholly exhausted with mental and physical exertion. It brought tears of sorrow to her eyes at the mere thought of going through the same struggle, cramps, labor pain, internal injuries, emotional trauma, and myriad bone cracks during pregnancy.

Her desire to embrace motherhood was slowly thinning as she couldn't tolerate physical torment considering her terrible health problems.

She can't even recover from a mild fever and headache.

How would she cure the scars on her skin post-pregnancy?

How will she come through the intense and burning anguish of normal delivery or C-section?

How will she push the baby out of her uterus?

How will she carry the weight of her baby in her tummy when she cannot even bear her husband's weight over her during their intercourse?

How will she change her pads after every hour or two because of uncontrollable bleeding?

She is already feeble and sensitive, it takes her more than a week to recover from a minor cold and cough.

God knows how excruciating these nine months were going to be.

"Naina." Sameer's soft voice brought her out of her chain of thoughts, and she looked at him, absent-minded.

"Juice." He gently handed over a white thermocol glass of healthy beverage to his agitated wife, gesturing to her to drink it quietly as she hadn't eaten anything for the past four hours, and it wasn't good for her health and stomach either.

"Mujhe nahi peena." Naina meekly refused his offer, looking extremely dull.

"Peena padega, tumne subah se kuch khaya peeya nahi hai, chalo jaldi finish karo." Sameer insisted on his girl to submissively swallow down the liquid which would help her to feel energetic and good.

Prem Vivah - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now