• Heartbroken Man •

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Sameer was taking a shower at night to wash away the sweat on his face which he earned on his skin under the heated sky.

Naina returned home half an hour ago from an event that she and her team management held at a Nesco Ground, and was feeling tired now.

She stretched her arms in the air while yawning with exhaustion on her face, and just then her husband's phone started to ring the latest ringtone of Bollywood.

Naina tilted her head sideways, lazily grabbing his phone to see who was calling him at this hour, and saw weird digits flashing on the screen, warning her that they were from some fraud company.

She sighed and disconnected the call, spamming them immediately, but just then her eyes noticed something fishy on the notification bar which drew her attention, and her fingers naturally slid down to open the unseen message.

A/c 5XXXXXXX8 debited by Rs. 25.000 thousand to Maruti Suzuki.
CR CLR Bal: Rs. 3,16176.

Naina shockingly gaped at the message sent to his phone in the evening, and frowned in bewilderment as to whom her husband was making such a huge payment without consulting her?

She slid down a few messages more in desperation and tension, but before she could read them she heard the door unlock sound, forcing her to reluctantly keep back her husband's cell phone.

Sameer was seen stepping out of the bathroom, half naked, just a white towel wrapped safely around his drenched body, and he passed a sweet smile to his wife, but she didn't respond to him. Her face looked strangely dull and stressful.

"What happened?" He asked her in a soft voice.

"Nothing," Naina said casually, wondering why Sameer was transferring money to a car company.

Sameer shrugged off, taking her incomprehensible silence to be a matter of something related to her work.

He sighed, walking to the dressing table to comb his freshly bathed wet locks and dress up in night clothes.

Naina started to chew her nails, her legs tangled, her eyes disoriented, and her mind concentrating on only one thing --> Her husband depositing twenty-five thousand money to a company via his separate bank account.

He was smart enough to not choose to pay the balance from their joint account.

She blinked calmly, her mind wandering to unanswered questions thriving inside her skull and making her see the negative possibilities of them. He has been behaving uncanny lately on weekends, going out suddenly and returning home in two hours, not even carrying his office bag or laptop.

She tried several times to find out the reason for why Sameer was traveling to his workplace every Saturday and Sunday when all the staff at his office was relaxing and enjoying their holidays, but he always smartly flipped the topic, engaging her in their romantic talks or moments, and as an understanding wife she didn't attempt to force him to tell her what he had been keeping clandestine from her. But now the matter seemed serious and distressing for her delicate heart. If she didn't get a convincing and valid explanation from his side. She wouldn't be able to sleep in peace.

Sameer grabbed a snow-white t-shirt from inside the wardrobe, pulling it over his head. Meanwhile, Naina went to change her dress and take a calming shower to halt her continuous thoughts, however, her anxiety increased around the four walls, making her feel uncomfortable, hence she quickly dried her soaked skin and got into an evening purple nightgown, loosely tying the strings from the backside.

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