• Queen Of Hearts •

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4 Years and Eleven Months Later!

The sun was as dazzling and mischievous as the little girl, currently decorating her beloved father's face with the colorful sketch pens and her mother's expensive makeup products she secretly fetched from the vanity table. She was giggling all while her father was happily getting himself garnished without uttering a word or scolding her, his warm black eyes lovingly perusing every delightful squeal she made after every stroke of red paint on his rugged cheeks, every enthusiastic jump she did when he said -- He liked the makeup she was doing on him, every loud claps her tiny hands did whenever her father was rubbing his nose against her chubby pink cheek to tease her.

He wouldn't mind ruining his skin if it meant making his daughter feel contented and happy.

After all, what else a loving father would want except his daughter's satisfaction and that sweet toothy smile to dance on her face?

"Dadda, sit straight." The girl commanded the hulking man in a stern voice, as he moved to the left side to grab his phone. Sameer obediently nodded his head, not wanting to disappoint his little queen.

Someone was calling him repeatedly but he decided to check it later.

This was the Father's and Daughter's special time.

And no one was allowed to invade their joyful moments except one woman.

Ironically, the man who scolded everyone in the office and gave them a tough time dealing with his anger was the scared kitten in front of his wife and queen Enaika.

Enaika was the only girl with tiny height and big wide eyes to scare the life out of his body. She bosses around him, always keeps him wrapped around her teeny-weeny fingers, never lets him spend quality time with his wife in her presence, comes running to him in a cheetah speed whenever he returns home from the office, loves to have food from his hands on weekends when he's free and kept away from work, enjoys going to amusement parks, game centers, and toys stores with her Dadda, gives her signature sweet-melting smile and adorable eye-expression to weaken his heart and make him say Yes to do whatever she says, wants, or needs, intimidates him in every possible way -- Just like her mother has been doing for years.

Having a daughter always meant everything to him, it meant having a smaller edition of his cute wife to watch her grow up in front of him, now as his daughter. He was so happy, emotional, speechless, and over the moon when Pranali walked out of the operation theatre to announce that he and Naina were blessed with a Baby Girl -- His joy knew no limits, he was carelessly crying out of unfathomable enthusiasm and contentment.

He had no idea how to pay gratitude to God for keeping his wife and daughter under his protection.

His palms naturally shivered out of dread and his fragile heart thumped violently as if he would die out of joy and love when he gracefully lifted the tiny Enaika in his perspiring colossal hands and watched her wail aloud, filling the entire room with her relentless bitter cries which fell into his ears like a beautiful soothing piece of music. He couldn't believe a few centimeters breathing human could steadily rock his insides and suffuse his soul with eternal affection and warmth by her continuous sobs. He was crying along with her, though quietly, longingly putting a soft chaste kiss on her forehead for blessing his life and his wife's lives with her presence.

For making him the luckiest father.

When Naina was reluctantly sent inside the labor room to get her C-section done because she was facing severe complications, also, it was the last option Dr.Pranali suggested when Naina failed to deliver a baby even after waiting for long excruciating hours. His heart completely stopped functioning, he was walking from one corner to another with no destination, sensing warmth of fresh tears in his dark anxious eyes for knowing how nerve-chilling the labour pain was, and how excellently all the mothers in this world were diligently giving birth to kids for centuries, putting their valueable life on stake just for the little human who they hadn't even seen -- It's not only about carrying the lord's precious gift inside the womb for painstakingly nine months, it's about reshaping your hourglass figure, earning tons of not-pleasing-to-see stretch marks on your belly post pregnancy, having swollen feet, regularly experiencing nauseous and lack of comfort and energy while walking, doing any task, sitting, and standing, working with the large inflated stomach, sleeping straight without moving an inch, nurturing the delicate human with all the healthy and nutritious food even if you don't want to eat or has never eaten, letting doctors open the sensitive portions of her body and bring the miniature baby out of the small doors of her skin, screaming like hell, crying recklessly, almost seeing herself dead in pain.

Prem Vivah - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now