• Ruined Lives •

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"Last paper?" Sameer confirmed this from the middle-aged man who asked him to sign another thin paper.

"Yes." He affirmed, making the young man feel a plethora of emotions.

Sameer glanced at his wife with faint teardrops in his eyes as he wasn't able to believe that their long-asked wish was finally fulfilled, that too unexpectedly.

It was never in his mind that he would be able to purchase his home with his wife at the age of twenty-nine.

The feeling of owning such an expensive thing was filling every corner of his heart with mountainous pride and joy.

Naina rested her palm on his shoulder as she could perceive how emotional and overwhelmed her husband must be feeling at this moment, trying his best to fight with those waterfalls cascading down to his cheeks.

His reaction was natural and understandable.

She was also still under the bubble of disbelief that she was going to be the owner of their House after signing the last papers.

It has been their dream for more than a decade to get ownership of a small yet big enough for them to live in a flat with only happiness and positivity etched all around the walls and doors, firmly prohibiting negativity from overpowering their peaceful lives even for a nanosecond.

She remembers how Sameer used to say with stubbornness in his voice that he would work hard. No matter how sick he feels, how lazy he feels at some point, how people point out his mistakes, how humans around him judge him or criticize his work. He will not step back at any cost, determined to prove everyone wrong and himself right.

He will not give them a chance to humiliate him and his family.

Naina knew from day one that her man would fulfill all his dreams and theirs after reaching a certain age, and she was undeniably proud of him and herself for earning money without committing a grave crime or bequeathing someone else's precious property under illegal papers.

She was happy she and her husband achieved everything in their lives with immense hard work.

Not depending on others to find them some work or help them to start their company or business.

They did everything at their own risk and responsibility with the much-needed blessings of their families.

Without their support and trust, they both wouldn't have been able to stand strongly on their feet and tackle away every obstacle coming in their way of riding to the road of success and growth.

"Jaldi." The harsh voice of the man in a white shirt brought the couple out of their trances, and Sameer's fingers shivered while holding the pen in his hand, his moist eyes staring at the printed words on the paper with a slow smile capturing his emotional face.

Restraining his tears, he sincerely signed the paper of their biggest achievement with an uncontrollable excitement on his visage, and Naina curved her lips for a euphoric smile, proudly staring at the pile of papers aligned on the wooden brown table.

Having their signatures on them which wrote their destiny with colors of love, prosperity, and serenity.

"Chaabi." When the couple seemed lost in their own world. Mr.Ashish had to snap his fingers in front of them with a sweet smile.

"Huh?" Sameer reacted to his sudden interruption with a puzzled look, and Ashish informed the young man while keeping the key in his palm - "Aap dono ki ghar ki chaabi dena chah raha hoon kabhi se, aaj se aap logo ko sambhalna hai humesha ke liye."

Prem Vivah - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now