• Beauty Of Motherhood •

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How blissful it is to wake up with a feeling of having a beautiful human breathing inside you -- because of you.

Naina had the same joy and happiness embracing every gentle beat of her heart when she lazily woke up and danced in the soft rays of bright sunlight pouring over her morning face -- putting the floral furry blanket on the pillow she slid her feet into the cute slippers and walked to the full-length mirror introducing her to the woman who was soon going to welcome a adorable creation of God.

She couldn't resist fondly caressing her palm over her stomach, the peerless golden glow on her visage sufficient to make her smile and realize -- how delightful she was just by thinking about Her baby calmly sleeping inside her womb, wrapped safely in the dark room. She leisurely lowered her soft gaze to her tummy, grinning, blushing, feeling overwhelmed, wanting to dance and sing the song of unfathomable enthusiasm. It was such a sweet experience to stroke her hand on her clothed stomach and try to feel the serene rhythms of his breaths.

She never knew unplanned pregnancy would fill her with so much zest, pleasure, vigor, affection, emotions, and restlessness to see the tiny mischievous human and hold him protectively in her fragile arms. It was truly unbelievable for her to smile like a Cute Buffon and let herself relax in the beauty of being an amateur mother -- Her lips curved upwards for a satisfied smile while tracing her thumb on her stomach and looking at her beaming face in the pellucid mirror.

"Wow Naina, tum pregnant ho, maa banne wali ho tum." Pranali's beautiful words replayed in her ears with a constant effervescent smile merrily enveloping her visage, bringing goosebumps to her skin.

Last night, she did not get to celebrate the news because of her fears and Sameer's unpleasant attitude running after her. It shook her deeply when he longingly put his head on her lap and talked about his disturbing thoughts and haunting memories with painful teardrops in his eyes. She felt rueful at that time for exaggerating the topic and making him feel uncomfortable. But it was important to have a genuine thoughtful chat with him and make him see his shortcomings -- Both of them are new to this job, they are not experienced, expert, and sophisticated. They have to learn together with a strong dedication; how to become a loving mother and father to the innocent child and raise him with mutual support, understanding, affection, and respect over each other's decisions, scoldings, and actions concerning unhealthy activities of their child -- It may take time to explore the inescapable intricacies of the parenthood but eventually they will start acting like a one and give their baby all the best teachings and sincere etiquettes.

Only the passionate sweet kiss after their reconciliation gave much-needed peace to her hammering heart -- She remembered how carefully he dragged her closer to him, comfortably making her sit on his lap and respectfully kissing her forehead -- giving a secret message of solemn promise that henceforth there wouldn't be any room of dread and pessimistic thoughts. He will definitely mend his errors and become the man his wife always wanted to see and feel.

The way he protectively held her feathery body in his large masculine arms -- the way he tantalizingly caressed the sidelines of her dress with his bare knuckles -- the way he intensely reviewed the love languages of her natural brown eyes -- the way he secured his warm palm below her waist and smashed his rough lips against hers. Everything took her on a great satisfactory trip, pleasuring every inch of her burning skin, his unfriendly dark stubble rubbing intimately on her face and neck to quell her unbridled hormones -- partying to the tunes of sinful desires.

It wasn't a normal kiss -- it was the kiss of undying love, real promises, unfading care, and deep pleasures having them pinned to each other. It was the first kiss they shared after knowing that they were expecting a child. It was the first intimate gesture made by them to fill the little human's heart with tremendous organic excitement.

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