Chapter 1: Death of an Author

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"Finally, it's done!" Said Zimo as he finished the latest chapter of his novel. He only recently got ten million readers and he wanted to thank his loyal readers with a special side story involving the MC and the female lead on vacation in the mountains.

To get this story just right he stayed up late for 3 weeks researching different events that could happen while climbing a mountain. Everything from picking wild herbs and fruit to tracking animals. Most authors would probably laugh at him for researching a ton of stuff he obviously wouldn't use in the story, but Zimo had a bit of OCD when it came to doing research for his books.

"I hope everyone likes it. The MC is usually the main star, but I wanted to make the FL shine this time. Having her take charge after they get stranded in the mountains because of a mud slides on the path just feels right."

Thinking back he probably became obsessed with researching all angles of his  story plot points and locations from working part time as a research assistant for the old man living down the street from the orphanage.

Growing up just having enough to eat was a luxury, so to make some extra money Zimo would often help the old man out with his research. He'd follow him, take notes, run errands, even go to the local library to gather books about whatever the old man wanted at the time. Everything from "How to make wine at home" to " poisonous plants found in the Amazon" would be on the list.

This sparked his love for books. In a book, you could learned about anything, or experience the lives others. They were filled with incredibly interesting things and provided an escape from life at the orphanage. When he was younger just having a good book in hand was all he needed to forget about the pain in his gut cause by intense hunger, or the creaking of his bones after getting beating by the director.


Hearing his stomach growl, Zimo got up to make himself some noodles.
"Today is a great day. Let's celebrate with the more expensive braised meat noodles."

After eating a satisfying bowl of premium noodles Zimo decided to get some rest. He wouldn't have to post his latest chapter until noon the next day, so he could get a solid nights rest first. Settling in under the fluffy quilt and hugging the X-Large body pillow he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Cough... cough....

With a  feeling of itchiness in his throat Zimo woke up lazily. Unsure of what was happening he rubbed his eyes and began to have difficulty breathing.

"Huh? Why is it so hard to breath? What's...cough... cough...going on?" Zimo said aloud, not yet registering the current situation after just waking up.


Finally noticing the blaring alarm coming from the hall, Zimo turned to switch the lamp on. But it didn't help much. The room had already started filling with smoke making it difficult to see anything around him.


Zimo swore as he quickly got out of bed and prepared to leave the apartment. He grabbed his shoes and wallet and made his way to the door, but just as he was about to step out the door he remembered to grab is computer. He had just finished writing the latest chapter, how could he let it go to waste so easily. Besides the room only has some smoke in it. It's not like the fire had reached this place yet. So Zimo turned away from the door and prepared to grab his laptop before escaping.


The room shook and with a sudden flash everything in front of Zimo changed. He braced himself against the wall in an attempt not to fall. After the dizziness and shock passed he opened his eyes again and was stunned.

"What happened?" Zimo questioned as he looked around the room.

Not even a minute had passed, but now the room was filled with bright, red hot flames. Zimo's mind went blank. What should he do? Where can he go? Despite all the research he has done throughout his short 23 years in this world, nothing could prepare him for this moment. He could only sit there with his laptop in his arms staring at the flames surrounding him and the large hole between himself and the exit blocking off all paths as the flames grew larger and hotter.

When discussing death, people describe it in many different ways. Some believe that when you are about to die, time slows down and you begin to recall all the past moments of your life. Similar to an old movie reel flashing before your eyes. Others say that your mind in order to protect itself basically shuts down and your sense of pain or fear disappear.

Zimo could only wish such optimistic depictions were true. What he felt as he was covered in flames was pure torture. The fire grew stronger and quickly engulfed the room. Zimo did not have the good fortune of passing out from the lack of oxygen nor did he lose his sense of pain. However time did slow down. A torturously slow time where he stayed  wide awake and felt the flames and breathed in the noxious smoke. Every sensation, sight, smell, and sound seemed to be amplified as he began to burn alive.

Zimo has endured a lot throughout his life. Living in the orphanage, was as one would expect not great. They always lacked money. Therefore food, clothing, and other daily necessities were scarce and life was hard. To make things worse the director of the orphanage was a corrupt, violent, and short tempered man. When most people think of an orphanages director they probably picture an elderly woman, with a kind and sincere demeanour, but that was not the case for the Spring Rain Orphanage. The director had apparently inherited this place from his father. A rich man, who before his death decided to open the orphanage to help those in need. Afraid that his son would not continue his good work, he stipulated in his will that he must personal manage the orphanage if he wanted to remain in control of the company. This meant spending at least 2 days a month at the orphanage and personally caring and spending time with the children during these visits.

Sadly, the man underestimated his own son's greed and distorted personality.

He kept the promise, but cooked the accounts to embezzle his own money back and any donations the place might receive from the locals or government, leaving only the bare minimum. Worst yet was that when the company began to struggle under his leadership, he would use his time at the orphanage to vent his anger. Specifically he would vent it on the young children. Zimo was one of these children. He would dread the days the director would come, because he knew he would be taken into his office and be beaten until he lost consciousness. Those days could be described as hell.

"Ah! Hahahah...,"

Zimo laughed as he could feel is own flesh melt under the intense flames surrounding him.

"It seems, I never truly knew what pain was before. How I wish I could go back in time and tell my ignorant self what real pain feels like. Maybe then, I could have smiled more." Zimo thought to himself.

As he had these thoughts drift through his mind between the waves of agonizing pain the world finally turned dark and it all ended.

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