Chapter 9: Brothers

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QianFei dragged Zimo from the backyard over to the bedrooms and locked him into his and his wife's bedroom. Before walking out he turned paused as he stared at Zimo with those eyes and said,

"Wait here, my naughty little rabbit, I'll be back soon to properly punish you."

Zimo shuddered. He wasn't completely certain what QianFei would do to him, but he instinctively knew it would be terrible.

"I need to get out of here. I can't stay. I can't stay. Sorry dear but I'm scared." Zimo mumbled s he looked around the room to find a way to escape.

As zimo was searching the room for a way out, QianFei stood just outside the door and told the family that it would be best to wash away the mornings bad mood and go to town to enjoy a treat. It's true they were short on money, but it wasn't to the point of starving. They could afford the occasional trip through the morning market for some noodles or buns.

They all knew the real reason QianFei wanted them to leave the house but no one would say anything. Included his wife Ji Yun. She was personally glad that the little fool would g eat to experience they same things she had.

So the family quickly gathered their things and walked into town.


In the bedroom Zimo was still struggling to get out. He tried the window but there seemed to be something outside blocking it.

"Why? Why would the window be blocked, it's almost like he expected things to turn out this way." Zimo thought to himself as he began to panic.

Normally Zimo could handle being beaten, he knew how to deal with hit, but when QianFei looked at him, he couldn't he'll but remember that time at the river when he had grabbed his butt and whispered in his ear.

Not long after  QianFei entered the room again.

"Little rabbit, it's just you and me now. No one will come save you. Not even that violent brother of mine. That brute has always looked down on me, but now look whose laughing. While he is stuck in bed half dead I get to give him a bright and green hat. It's truly worth celebrating, don't you agree?"

Zimo trembled, with QianFei's words it clicked. What QianFei wanted was to complete defile him.

Zimo who had barely spoken to anyone but LongWei since arriving in this world could no longer hold back his voice. He pleaded,

"Please, don't! You can beat me, break my legs and arm, but please don't do that. I don't want that, please, please don't do it."

QianFei's eyes and below grew hot as he watched the little rabbit curl up in the corner pleading with tears in his eyes. Looking at him he got a brilliant idea.

"Such sweet tears should be shared with the half dead brother of mine, don't you agree?" He said as he pulled Zimo out of the corner towards LongWei's room.

After entering the room, QianFei threw Zimo on the bed and on top of LongWei. zimo was scared of QianFei, but he was also scared of hurting LongWei, so he tried his best to lift himself off his body. This action only angered QianFei.



QianFei had also loved messing with woman. Growing up he often did questionable things, but before he did anything LongWei would always show up and stop him. It wasn't until after LongWei left for the army that he could finally have fun. That's also how he got his current wife.

When LongWei returned from the army and learned about QianFei's marriage he beat him hard. LongWei was disgusted with his older brother who had raped and ruined a woman's life. QianFei didn't want to repent and he hated LongWei who acted high and mighty, like he was a better man then himself. However, QianFei could do nothing about it. LongWei was strong, you could never win against him.

Then LongWei was hurt and fell into a coma, at that time QianFei ecstatic. Finally that man fell, but it wasn't enough yet. He decided to ask his friend's if they knew anyway to make things worst. That's when he overheard Zhang XiaoBo speaking about his older brother.

Everything clicked, and he quickly set up the marriage from behind the scenes to humiliate his brother in every possible way.


QianFei started to tear off Zimo clothes as he struggled on the bed crying.

Zimo was so scared, he could speak he could only cry as the clothes were torn off his body with one hand and he was pinned down next to his husband with the other.

"Cry some more little rabbit, it only makes your meat that much more delicious... Hahaha."


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