Chapter 14: Moving

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It didn't take long for long for Zimo to pack what they would need into two bamboo baskets they could carry on their backs.

"Is there anything else we need? Should we bring so,e food or water?" Zimo was a little nervous and excited ass the approached the back gate. They chose to leave from the back because it was easier to reach the road heading towards the next village over.

At the same time, LongWei didn't want any of the neighbours seeing them. He hoped to leave quietly so as to avoid dealing with his family coming to find him before he was prepared to properly deal with them.

Having left the house LongWei took a path that seemed to be rather desolate. The grass had grown long, but he assured Zimo that it was a shortcut and they would reach the next village soon.

Zimo wasn't too worried, he trusted LongWei and would follow him anywhere.

As they walked along the path neither of them spoke much, but LongWei was happy to see Zimo's mood loosen.

"It's the right choice to leave." LongWei thought as the walked.

Zimo saw a tree it far ahead and said,

"Should we take a little break?", Zimo had been watching LongWei and noticed how unstable he seemed to be walking.

During his time in a coma, he hadn't moved. Zimo had tried to help him by stretching his muscles and giving him massages, but he wasn't a trained masseuse or trained in rehabilitation. His massages were crude, but at the time he thought it was better than doing nothing.

Now looking at LongWei walking next to him, a little unsteady. He could help but worry a little.

"Are you tired?" LongWei asked Zimo.

"No, I'm just... that is... um..."

Seeing Zimo cast hesitant glances towards himself and speaking nervously, LongWei realized zimo had asked for a break because he was worried.

"When was the last time someone worried about me like this?" LongWei thought to himself. He placed lifted his hand slowly and rubbed Zimo's head.

"Don't worry, I'm okay. The village isn't much further ahead. If we keep up this pace we should reach the old man's place in less than and hour. Once we get there, we can take a break."

"Okay." Zimo answered back revealing a little dimple as he showed a shy smile at the corner of his thin smooth lips.


True to his word after about a quarter of an hour then reached the small village and headed towards the north side to find the old man.

Knock, knock

Hearing a knock at the front gate, a woman approached and yelled,

"Who is it?"

"Hello, Mrs Li. It's Yuan LongWei. Is Mr Li here?

"What? LongWei? Is it really you, when did you wake up. My goodness, I'm so glad to see you okay." Mrs Li said as she unlocked and pulled the door open.

"I was able to wake up this morning." LongWei answered. His expression was a bit tense, but. Es Li didn't seem to mind. She was probably used to LongWei's unfriendly face.

"Come in quick, my husband is in the back repairing the fence for the chicken. Can you believe it? A badger actually stole a chicken from us last night. Mr Li couldn't believe it and has been busy all morning trying to calm the chickens down and rebuild the fence so it's stronger then before.

"If it's a badger you can try placing citronella plants. They're great for keeping badgers and mosquitoes away." Zimo said.

Both Mrs Li and LongWei looked back at Zimo, scaring him a little.

"Who is this?" Mrs Li asked as she looked at the young man hidden behind LongWei.

"This is my wife, Zhang Zimo."

"Wife! I heard your family had arranged your marriage after the accident, but I didn't know it was to such a soft spoken young man. Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy.
Welcome to my home,Zhang Zimo. My name is Shao Xing, and my husbands name is Li DingXiang. It's just the two of us here ever since my daughter got married two years ago. My husband and I don't have much, but we live well." Mrs Li turned to Zimo and politely said.

She had heard about what the Yuan family had done. At first she was angry, but after seeing the two together it didn't seem as though LongWei was angry and he held a protective posture towards the young man. Zimo himself looked harmless enough like a small animal, and he was so soft spoken it was a little hard to hear him.

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Zhang ZiMo."
"ZiMo, what did you mean about citronella plants?" LongWei asked. He had never heard the name, and wondered if a plant could really help against mosquitoes and badgers.

"Oh, um... it's a plant that smells like a lemon, a little sour. It looks like long green grass and it should grow near watery areas like a marsh or by the river" Zimo explained, he had seen a few by the river while washing clothes this past month and had picked some to rub against his skin. The mosquitoes could get very bad around sunset and often bit him.

Mrs Li and LongWei thought about what Zimo had said, and did recall a plant near the rivers bend with a strange smell. They didn't realize such a plant could be used to repellent badgers and mosquitoes, but if it did how wonderful would that be?

"I think I know what plant your talking about. The smell is strong, but not too bad. Will it really keep the badgers away. If we plant a few around the chickens pen? What about the chicken will they also hate the smell?" Asked Mrs Li.

"From what I remember it shouldn't bother the chickens, but help them because it will keep a lot of the bugs away." Zimo answered.

LongWei looked at Zimo feeling a sense of happiness seeing him speak so much.

"My little birdy is so smart." He thought as he looked at Zimo with soft eyes.

"That sounds great! I'll be sure to tell my husband and go get some later today. Now come in quick. Are you thirsty? Would you like some water?" Mrs Li said as she lead LongWei and Zimo into the house.

"Thank you for your hospitality Mrs Li. Zimo sit here, I'll go and talk to Old Man Li." LongWei said as he walked out towards the backyard.


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