Chapter 107: Going for a Walk

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The sky was clear and the sun was warm. Zimo and LongWei decided to go for a walk. Fluttering in the trees were some fluffy little birds.

"Dear look. Aren't they cute? I remember they are called shima enaga. They are so small and cute. Don't they just remind you of a snowball? I wonder if we set up bird feeders if they will come into the yard?" As Zimo chattered on about the small white bird LongWei preferred to look at his own little birdie.

Unable to resist, LongWei leaned over and gave Zimo a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Eh? What was that for?" Confused by the sudden kiss Zimo looked away from the birds.

"Baby, you're cuter." LongWei said showing a rare smile. Zimo immediately burst into red. Followed by LongWei's deep magnetic laugh. "My little birdie really is the cutest." He thought as he hugged Zimo and kissed him tenderly in the forehead.

The moment was sweet. Zimo wrapped his arms around LongWei's neck looking deep into his eyes.


From behind came the sound of two things hitting through the forest. The wolves ran close to Zimo in a protective posture staring off into the distance. LongWei's first reaction was to pull Zimo behind him.


The sound rang out again.

"Dear, what is it? the bandits?" Zimo asked nervously. His hands shaking as they held LongWei's arm tightly.

Listening to the sound again, LongWei relaxed. He had heard the sound a few times before. "Don't worry baby. It's not bandits. That's the sound of goats." LongWei explained.

"Goats? Aren't goats supposed to go "meh"? Since when do they sound like a gunshot?" Zimo said is disbelief.

"I don't know what a gunshot sounds like,  it it's mating season now. The goats are ramming against each other, that the noise they make." LongWei explained.

"Really? Can we go see?" Zimo's asked curiously.

"When mating the goats are more aggressive than usual. It's better to stay away." LongWei said despite seeing the excitement and curiosity shining in Zimo's big eyes.

Disappointed, Zimo nodded his head before kneeling and praising the wolves' quick reaction. LongWei hated seeing Zimo looking so dejected, but his safety was more important. He grabbed Zimo's hand and they quietly walked away from where the goats were fighting.

As they continued their walk through the forest, Zimo came across a jujube tree. The fruit wee perfectly ripe and ready to be picked.

"Dear, look jujubes. Quick let's collect them, they are delicious when candied. We can also make jujube jam and it will taste good for tea." Zimo said finally cheering up.

LongWei gladly helped Zimo pick a basket full of jujube. Even the wolves joined in trying to gather the jujubes that had fallen to the ground.

"Silly, how can we eat fruit that has fallen to the ground. What you want to look for is maybe pine nuts or chestnuts." Zimo said, then he looked at LongWei expectantly.

"Their should be pine trees about ten minutes from here. We can go look to see if their are any pine cones that have fallen." LongWei said knowing what Zimo wanted. With a smile Zimo headed in the direction LongWei pointed out.

As they walked they wee careful to move around the traps. Soon, like striking gold Zimo excitedly yelled out.

"Look, dear, look at all the pine cones!"

LongWei nodded and followed behind. Zimo turned to the wolves. "Okay guys, can you help us gather the pine cones?" He asked as he showed them a pine cone.

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