Extra 3: Archery lessons

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"Where were you?" Zimo asked.

LongWei had left early in the morning to go hunting. They were running a little low on fresh meat. The four beasts were now old enough to hunt for themselves, but LongWei refused to let Zimo eat what they brought back.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I found traces of a deer and lost track of time while I followed it." LongWei said feeling a little guilty. Zimo had asked him to return home early.

"Dear, You promised to come home early today so you could teach me how to shoot a bow and arrow. Did you do it on purpose?" Zimo complained.

He'd been asking LongWei to teach him for months but LongWei always found ways to postpone or sneak out of it.

"It wasn't on purpose. I really do plan on teaching you. Today's delay was really because I lost track of time." LongWei said feeling a little guilty.

He wasn't lying about losing track of time. However he also didn't rush back when he realized how late it had gotten.

"Why don't you want to teach me?" Zimo questioned unhappily.

"Baby, you don't need to learn how to shoot an arrow. There's me, the wolves, and even that stupid tiger. We're enough to protect you. You don't need to learn archery." LongWei said in an attempt to dissuade Zimo.

"I don't believe that's the real reason." Zimo said.

"..." LongWei didn't want to say more.

"Dear, why don't you want me to learn archery?" Zimo asked again.

"Don't be upset, baby. I just think maybe it would be safer if you didn't learn archery." LongWei finally admitted after months of evading the issue.

"Safer? How is it safer for me not to learn?" Zimo asked unconvinced.

"My little accident prone birdie. Don't make me say it." LongWei thought as he shut his mouth tight.

"Dear, tell me. Why do you not want to teach me archery?" Zimo asked again clearly not giving up until he heard the real reason.

"Sigh!... Baby don't take this the wrong way. But... you get hurt a lot." LongWei started to say before stopping to check Zimo's mood.

"You say it like I do it on purpose." Zimo said frowning.

"Not on purpose, baby. You're just unlucky. I'm worried you'll have another accident while attempting to shoot an arrow." LongWei said trying to not hurt Zimo's feelings.

"I won't. Please teach me. No more excuses or tricks. I want to learn." Zimo said.

"Okay. I promise, baby. I will teach you tomorrow." LongWei agreed reluctantly.


The next day, LongWei set up some targets on a tree in the yard not far from where they were standing.

"Baby, I want you to watch me first. Pay attention to my posture. When shooting a bow, the most important point is your posture. If it's off you miss." LongWei said positioning himself to shoot.

Zimo watched LongWei carefully. "Handsome!" He screamed eternally. His mind drifting away from LongWei's posture to his strong well defined muscles.

"Baby, are you paying attention?" LongWei asked when he saw Zimo blush. Unable to help but smirk.

"My little birdie's mind is thinking dirty thoughts." LongWei thought delighted and a little proud.

"I... I am." Zimo stuttered in denial.

"Hahaha! Come here baby. Let me show you." LongWei said. Pulling Zimo into his arms.

With arms wrapped tight around Zimo's waist. He slowly and deliberately moved his arms touching Zimo's most sensitive places.

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