Chapter 146: Deal

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Everyone finished their tasks and met back up at Han Fengge's restaurant two hours later.

Along the way Zimo and LongWei met with the Yan brothers.

"Hey boss Yuan, Zimo. Heard y'a got some new recipes for us." Yan DanDan shouted as he approached the horse cart with a smile.

"With the weather getting warmer, it will be hard to sell hot spicy noodles." Zimo said.

"It's kind of y'a to think of us. I mean man you're a great guy." Yan DanDan said awkwardly. He was truly grateful for Zimo's help. Thanks to them there whole family spent the winter comfortably. They could even afford to buy some  bronze warmers to warm up the hands or bed.

"Zimo, what happened to your arm?" Yan Bo asked noticing the sling.

"It's nothing too serious." Zimo said glossing over the fact he had fractured his arm.

"Zimo, ya keep getting hurt. Ya need to be more careful." Yan DanDan said seriously. LongWei subconsciously nodded along.

The two brothers hopped in the back of the cart and they all went to Han Fengge's restaurant. As they thought the restaurant was a lot quieter.

"Hey Zimo, you're back. Check it out I managed to find a lot of good stuff for you at the market today." Chang Shaoqing boasted as he pointed out the pile of goods.

"Quit patting yourself on the back and help load the stuff on the cart." Xu Qingsheng said. He was getting tired of listening toChang Shaoqing talk about how wonderful it felt shopping with such a large budget and so on.

"What's got you so grumpy?" Chang Shaoqing said a bit confused.

"LongWei, Zimo, I spoke to Mo Weizhe he said he was willing to make the cards for you. When he asked me when you wanted them done for I told him you'd be back in a month. I hope that was okay." Kong Huizhong said.

"That perfect. I need to bring Zimo back to see the doctor in a month, so we can stop by at the same time." LongWei said grateful for the help.

Standing outside Han Fengge suddenly come out the back door. "It looks like everyone is here, should we go inside?" Han Fengge asked. The soldier looked at LongWei. There was no need for them to go inside, with that thought Kong Huizhong spoke up.

"The others an I are going to walk around and ask the locals a few questions. Maybe they've seen some bandits or suspicious people. Any information could be important. We'll meet back at the town gate in an hour or two?"

Zimo knew he was being considerate. "Understood, we will meet up again at the front gate." LongWei said agreeing to Kong Huizhong's plan.


Zimo and LongWei didn't have time to cook the braised pork and let everyone taste it, so Zimo recited the recipe for Han Fengge to make themselves later. While he did that, LongWei went to the kitchen with the chef and Yan bothers to prepare the deep fried dumplings.

He made two batches, the first was made in the usual way. The second was deep fried.

"Is cooking using so much lard not going to make them taste mushy and oily?" Yan Bo asked curiously.

"It can if it isn't hot enough when you out the food in. It needs to be hot enough that if you drop some flour mixed with water it will float back up and bubbles will form around it. LongWei said demonstrating what he meant.

Once the lard was hot enough he quickly fried up the second batch of dumplings. Zimo made these fresh, but with this technique you can also take the regular ones that were previously cooked at rebook them by deep frying.

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