Chapter 114: Worry

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The next morning, Zimo woke up excited about the snow. LongWei on the other was much less excited.

"Baby, you need to wear more. It's cold and wet. Stay inside." LongWei filled the morning with warnings and nagging all morning. Zimo couldn't help but look at is worry wart husband not knowing weather to laugh or cry.

He wanted to reassure LongWei. A week had passed since he injured his neck. "Trying to speak should be okay." Zimo thought.

"Dear... cough." In the quietest of voices Zimo managed to say a single word. His voice was hoarse and dry.

LongWei looked at Zimo placing is fingers by Zimo throat, careful not to touch. Without meaning to Zimo flinched at the movement. He had subconsciously become much more wary of movement around his neck.

"Baby, don't push yourself." LongWei said solemnly.

"Dear, you're worrying too...cough... much." Zimo didn't give up and managed to say a complete sentence.

"Baby, I'm not worrying too much. Your body is too weak. Your injured, and look at how thin you've become. Any thinner and you'd look like a skeleton. If you get sick now... you need to be very careful." LongWei warned as he picked up Zimo's wrist.

Zimo looked at his wrist wanting to deny it, however LongWei was right. He did lose a lot of wait on his liquid only diet. Lowering his head shamefully Zimo tried to think of a solution. It wasn't good for either of them if things continued this way.

"Would it be better to... cough... ask the doctor?" Zimo finally suggested. Although he didn't like going to the doctor. He had to admit his body was in poor condition.

LongWei didn't even think about it and immediately agreed. If we go down the mountain, we need to be very careful. The snow on the ground will make it more dangerous and you need to dress warmly. LongWei said as he pulled out even more clothes.

After being wrapped in several layers of clothes, LongWei took out their extra money and some rabbits they had caught. Originally the rabbits were meant to be used for food, but they didn't have much money left and decided to bring and sell them. They couldn't ask Han Fengge for an advance on their share of the restaurant's profits after last time.

For a quicker decent LongWei edited to use the horse Ji. It was quicker but also required more careful consideration. The snow would make it harder to see what was on the ground. Luckily because of the tree cover, many areas in the forest did not have a thick layer of snow. LongWei had also walked the path many times and knew where to be careful.

"Baby, don't worry the wolves will be fine staying home." LongWei told Zimo.

"No, they are still so young. It's unfair that they can't come with us." Zimo disagreed hugging Chu who was the closest to him.

"Baby, we're riding the horse. Adding the three of them will only make things heavier. They are also getting larger. Last time we had a problem in the village. What will we do if something similar happens in town as well?" LongWei explained seriously.

He had been thinking about it since the last time. Being around the wolves, he had become numb to the reality that they are wolves. Everyday they grew bigger and although they could still be mistaken for dogs, more and more people would notice they aren't.

Zimo looked at the three wolves. He also knew they wouldn't be able to follow along forever. With a heavy heart Zimo hugged the wolf pups.

"Stay in the yard. Don't try to hunt anything... cough... bigger than a rabbit. Stay... cough... warm. We'll be back soon." Zimo instructed the wolves  slowly. This would be the longest and furthest they would be apart. He was very worried.

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