Chapter 149: That's All

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Zimo's insecurities and doubts were simple paranoia. In the end nothing bad happened. Over the next five days, the soldiers continued to patrol the mountain.

Occasionally, they found some bandits. Often these bandits were either already injured or dead after succumbing to the traps that were previously set up. Making things relatively easy to handle.

On the fifth day however the wolves began to growl and headed for the front gate.

"Dear, could it be some bandits have come?" Zimo asked LongWei. They were currently working on making some more bamboo planters in the yard. It was a beautiful sunny day and Zimo wanted to bask in the sunlight.

"I'll go check. You head inside where it's safer." LongWei answered before heading towards the front gate after Chen and Chong.

Before reaching the front gate a loud shout and the neighing of a horse was heard. LongWei sped up his pace only to see the wolves nipping at the feet of Cui Tengfei's horse.


LongWei quickly whistle. If the wolves didn't stop either they or Cui Tengfei would get hurt. He didn't care much for the man's safety, but he did owe him for dealing with the bandits. He also wouldn't know how to comfort his little birdie if the wolves got hurt in any way, shape, or form.

With the wolves retreat Cui Tengfei dismounts the startled horse. "Whoa there calm down." He comforted as he rubbed the horses neck.

"Cui Tengfei, shouldn't you be dealing with the bandits aftermath right now?" LongWei asked as he approached Cui Tengfei.

"Most of it is done. The rest I left to the Hong family and my subordinates. It was part of the deal that they could accumulate some of the credit and prestige for subduing the bandits." Cui Tengfei said sarcastically.

"Tch. So they basically just need to show up after everything is done and pretend to be the victorious heroes. What a joke." LongWei said with disdain.

What he hated most about the army was how the noble families would often show up acting high and mighty when the battle was won, but hide in the back full of complaints when it was lost.

They did nothing, yet gladly accepted praise and prizes from the emperor, while the actual soldiers suffered from the cold, hunger, and injuries on the battlefield.

"Say what you will, but the job is done. That's what matters most. I also have plans to get a few favours out of them later, so it isn't a total loss for me and my men." Cui Tengfei said a glint of malicious light flashing in his eyes.

Turning around ready to return through the front gate LongWei was at a loss to Zimo poking his little head out curiously.

"Zimo, what are you doing? Didn't I say you should head inside?" LongWei said. If it wasn't Cui Tengfei, but some bandits or something harmful him being there would put him at risk. He was already injured.

"I was going to, but I heard you whistled and knew things were okay." Zimo said, not sorry for peeking in the least.

LongWei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. His little could be very careless sometimes. He whistled to stop the wolves from attacking, but that didn't mean it was safe.

He would have to explain later about how he might call back the wolves when they were receiving a guest. However that guest may not always be someone with good intentions.

"Hey, Zimo! Long time no see. What happened to your arm? Did this big bear get too rough with you at night or something?" Cui Tengfei said laughing loudly at his own joke.

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