Chapter 145: Let's Head to Town

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The next day Zimo was woken up just before sunrise. Feeling sore his arm throbbing Zimo grumbled unhappily.

"Baby, wake up. We need to go to town and visit the doctor." LongWei whispered, not letting Zimo fall back asleep. Unable to go back asleep Zimo grumpily got out of bed with LongWei's help.

"Baby, how do you feel?" LongWei asked as he straightened Zimo's clothes.

"Sore." Zimo mumbled. He didn't want to say it hurt and worry LongWei more than necessary. But LongWei had long understood Zimo's personality. He knew fine was really sore and sore meant it hurt.

LongWei gently kissed Zimo's forehead. He wanted to tell him the wound would be fine, but broken bones could often lead to further problems, sometimes if they healed wrong a person could become disabled.

Being disabled or missing the use of a limb meant finding work and making enough to live difficult, nearly impossible. "Don't worry my little birdie. Even if one day you can't walk or get out of bed, I'll take care of you." LongWei silently promised.


Everyone quickly packed up and to head down the mountain. Zimo watched as LongWei approached the horse. He was still worried LongWei might have lost some of his love for his dear horse because of the accident.

"Dear, Ji is a great horse." Zimo stressed. LongWei hadn't gone to see the horse Ji since the accident. Looking at the horse, LongWei couldn't deny he felt a little disappointed and angry.

However these feelings weren't directed at the horse, but himself. "Ji, you did well." LongWei said as he patted the horse on the neck. He reasoning was simple. When a horse gets spooked they can not only rear back, but also run, buck, or became skittish.

Ji was a blind horse, so the risk of him getting spooked was higher. Despite that according to Zimo's description, he only reared up briefly and calmly stood still even after Zimo fell.

If he had moved he might have stepped on the fallen Zimo which would have been a far more disastrous injury. Thankful for getting so a calm and good natured horse LongWei fed it a few dried fruit before mounting him to the cart.

Zimo was also happy to see LongWei still treat his beloved horse gently, although their was a. Dry small part of him that was just an  itty bitty little bit jealous.

To make things quicker, they tied the roe deer legs and loaded them on the cart rather than pulling them from behind. The roe deer legs were injured and unlike the old mule, Ji was much stronger and could easily pull the extra weight.

The soldier had to climb down on foot, but being in good physical condition, they had no difficulty keeping up with the horse and cart.

"Ugh." Zimo groaned from his Rm being jostled. Riding the cart was certainly easier, but it was still a rough ride. When they would hit a bump or the cart would slip a little from the mud Zimo would groan or wince in pain.

"Baby, I'll go slower." Concerned LongWei thought it might be better to slow there pace.

"No, going slower won't make the ride that much smoother. I'd rather we go fast and quick." Zimo said his face pale and lips trembling slightly.

Still worried LongWei decided to stop the cart. "Kong Huizhong can you drive the cart?" LongWei said as he dismounted.

"Sure, what about you?" Kong Huizhong asked.

"I'm going to jog alongside with Zimo." LongWei said. As he stepped in front of Zimo.

"Zimo, get on, it won't be as rough riding on my back." LongWei said. He had carried Zimo like this a few times and  felt it was the best option.

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