Chapter 148: Bandits' Plan

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Eventually Zimo and LongWei reached an agreement on what chores he could do while he healed. Satisfied life at on the mountain began to normalize again.

That is until Kong Huizhong and the other soldiers failed to return in time for dinner.

"Dear, what do you think happened? If they ran into bandits, they shouldn't be staying out past dark, should they? Wouldn't they be at a disadvantage fighting in the dark?" Zimo said as he anxiously paced in the living area.

"Baby, calm down. I'm sure Kong Huizhong and everyone know what they are doing and are dealing with whatever it is in the most appropriate manner." LongWei said trying to calm Zimo.

"But you can't be certain. Many things could go wrong. They are only six of them, no not even six three. They patrol in two groups of three. If something happens how can they do anything with only three people?" Zimo asked still very worried.

"Baby, they decided on patrolling in two groups after considering all the risks. This is their job. They are well trained soldiers, one of Cui Tengfei's most elite fighters. We need to trust them." LongWei said lifting Zimo up and placing him gently on the couch.

"Dear, I'm really worried." Zimo reiterated.

"I know." LongWei said sitting down next to him and pulling him close.

"I know things are scary right now, but it will be over soon. And once it's done, our home here on the mountain will be peaceful." LongWei said not just for Zimo's sake but also for himself.

He was once a soldier, and had also participated in these kinds of attacks. The risks were always high. More so if the enemy outnumbered your own. Despite that he believed Kong Huizhong was a smart man. Who studied the terrain well, knew where all the traps were located, and wouldn't take unnecessary risks.

Zimo eventually fell asleep on the couch in LongWei's arms. Carrying Zimo to bed LongWei turned to look at Chen and Chong. "You two stay outside and keep a watch. If anyone appears whether it's friend or foe come wake me up." LongWei said.

The intelligent and well trained wolves quickly left the room. Chu as usually stayed by Zimo's side along with the less obedient and more mischievous and free spirited Bay. No matter what LongWei thought of the wolves, he couldn't never deny their loyalty to Zimo and intelligence. Zimo only needed to practice with them a few times and they would remember it.

Zimo was also unbelievable when training the wolves. "Honestly my strange little birdie, what possessed you to train the wolves to patrol the house?" LongWei thought as he tucked Zimo under the quilt.


Early the next morning, just before sunrise, LongWei heard several howls come from outside. Waking up he quickly got out of bed and looked over at Chu. Chu seemed rather calm. Sighing in relief LongWei headed outside.

Opening the gate he saw the six soldiers return from their patrol.

"What happened?" LongWei asked the approaching men.

"We found traces of bandits in the south corner of the mountain, not far from the area marked off for boar activity." Kong Huizhong explained.

"How many?" LongWei asked.

"A couple dozen. From the tracks. We tracked them for awhile before finding their campsite." Kong Huizhong continued explaining.

"Did you fight?" LongWei asked observing their appearance they looked a little tired, but with no injuries.

"No. The bandits are heading away from our location. Most likely they plan on trying to get behind Cui Tengfei's line of attack. Instead of dealing with them here, we sent the message to Cui Tengfei." Lao Ping added in.

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