Chapter 102: Restaurant Deal

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The next morning Zimo walked out of the room with a bright red face.

"Baby, don't be embarrassed. No one cares about what we did last night." LongWei comforted. Zimo glared back at LongWei.

"I care! They must have heard us. Ugh." Zimo said as he buried his face in his hands in shame.

"Baby, even if they heard us, there's nothing to be ashamed of. We are a married couple." LongWei decided to take another approach to comfort Zimo.

"Married or not, I don't want people hearing us doing that." Zimo complained.

"Trust me baby, the people here have heard and seen much more." LongWei said as he moved to rub Zimo's back.

Avoiding his touch, Zimo stepped forward at a very fast pace. LongWei didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he saw his little birdie escape.


LongWei and Zimo quickly checked on their animals and cart. Everything seemed fine. Upon seeing Zimo the wolf pups wagged their tails and tackled Zimo. They were as high as his knee now and chubby from a healthy diet of meat.

Buying knocked over by them Zimo laughed.

"My baby wolves, did you miss me?" Zimo asked as he pushed them aside and tried to get up.

"Why do you insist on calling them your babies? They are animals." LongWei said displeased. He didn't like Zimo calling the wolves and the newest tiger cub his babies.

"I call them my babies, because they are. We are a family, and your also their father." Zimo said stubbornly. "I'm not a  woman, I can't have children. That doesn't mean I can't have the big family I always wanted." Zimo thought as he lovingly gazed as three wolves, fluffy tiger, and currently grumpy and stern faced husband.

LongWei on the other hand looked at the animals surrounding Zimo and thought with a heart full of vinegar, "What's wrong with it being just you and me?"


They decided to visit the restaurant as they had done many times before with the roe deer. Arriving they moved the cart to the back entrance.
The owner Han Fengge must have seen them from inside because he quickly came out before they had a chance to knock.

"Yuan LongWei, Zhang Zimo. It is a pleasure to see you again. From what I can see you've brought some roe deer today." Han Fengge said cheerfully.

"Han Fengge it's certainly nice to see you again. You're correct about the roe deer. Would you be interested in purchasing them?" LongWei asked politely.

"Let me go get the chef and we can discuss the purchase." Han Fengge said before returning inside.


"Zhang Zimo, it's wonderful to meet once more. I am actually hoping you could help. The restaurant is thinking about adding a new dish to the menu for the winter season. I've thought of making soup or stew, but the current flavours are very common and don't stand out." The chef said feeling dejected.

"Making something new depends on your ingredients." Zimo said. The easiest way to help would be to give him the Sichuan peppers. However that would harm the food stall the Yan brothers had.

"Would you like to come in the kitchen and see?" The  chef asked hoping for Zimo's help.

"Sorry, I don't mind helping, but entering a kitchen with a blazing fire is a little difficult for me. Could we maybe do it somewhere else?" Zimo said  feeling uncomfortable.

"Not a problem. I have a room off to the side I use as an office, we can speak more in there." The chef said with great enthusiasm.

"That's fine, but I wonder if you wouldn't mind us ordering something for breakfast? We haven't eaten yet." LongWei said as he approached Zimo.

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