Chapter 72: Scars

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As Zimo fell asleep within LongWei's arms the tension in his heart loosened. Zimo had been doing very well recently. It gave the illusion that maybe Zimo had begun to recover from the pain and trauma of the best. Today, however was a firm reminder, that Zimo's scars ran very deep.

"I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have left you alone." LongWei solemnly said as he gently held Zimo in his arms.

He then proceeded to carry Zimo back to the bedroom wrapping him in the quilt that was thrown on the floor. The wolf pups had been following behind closely.

Seeing LongWei place Zimo back on the high Kang bed, they whimpered. They were still too small to jump up on their own, so LongWei picked them up and and let them cuddle up next to Zimo.

LongWei was nervous about living Zimo in the room alone, but his fever had risen and he needed to prepare the medicine. He grabbed a coarse cloth from the side and quickly wrapped his hand before leaving for the kitchen.

As he relit the fire he stared at it in contemplation. When discussing about the heating system of the new house, LongWei had worried about Zimo's fear. The last few days, Zimo had stayed in the house without any signs of fear and LongWei had let his guard down.

Today, seemed to reveal that subconsciously Zimo was afraid knowing a fire was burning in the next room and that the floors and bed were warm because of it.

What made it possible for him to sleep and feel calm in the home despite this was probably because LongWei was close by. Considering this, LongWei wouldn't be blue to leave Zimo home alone for the duration of the colder months.

"Once my little birdie recovers, I'll have to quickly hunt some prey before it gets colder." LongWei thought as he stood up and quickly checked on Zimo in the room.

LongWei cooked Zimo's medicine and some warm nourishing porridge for when he woke up.

Zimo slept quietly barely moving an inch while LongWei cooked in the kitchen.

LongWei hated to disturb him, but he needed to take his medicine and eat a little.

"Baby. Wake up baby." LongWei said as he lifted Zimo out of the quilt and into his arms.

Zimo twisted and groaned before burying his head into LongWei's chest.

"Baby, you need to wake up. I made some porridge for you. Eat a little." LongWei coaxed. He was glad to see Zimo acting as usual.


Zimo started coughing with a strained voice. The fever and screaming earlier had made his voice painful.

"Baby, drink some water." LongWei said bring a cup of warm water to Zimo's lips. With his eyes still closed Zimo listened and sipped the water.

"Dear, I had a nightmare again." He said as his tear stained eyes  fluttered open.

"I know baby. It's okay now. I'm here. Everything will be fine." LongWei whispered as he rubbed Zimo's back in a soothing way.

Zimo hummed as he enjoyed LongWei's soothing touch.

"Baby, eat a little before you go back asleep." LongWei said as he leaned Zimo forward to make it easier for him to eat. He then grabbed the grabbed the bowl of porridge.

Zimo opened his eyes and saw the rough cloth wrapped around LongWei's hand.

"Dear, your hand?" He asked as he stared at it. He had a nagging feeling in his heart, but couldn't quite make sense of it.

"It's fine just a small cut." LongWei said easily dismissing the wound.

Zimo continued to observe LongWei and noticed many wounds on his body. He had deep scratches on his arms, neck and even a few on his face. His clothes were also ripped in a few areas.

At first he wanted to ask if he got into a fight, but then as he reached out to touch the deep scratch on the side of LongWei's neck he saw his own hands. "Why do I have blood under my fingernails?" He thought.

Suddenly like a bolt of lightning he remembered his nightmare. "Dear, I... did I hurt you?" He asked as his face grew paler. In his nightmare he dreamt that someone was trying to throw him into a fire. He didn't want to die so he desperately fought back.

"Baby, it's okay. It's my fault." LongWei assured Zimo.

"Dear, tell me honestly. Am I the one who hurt you?" He desperately asked as guilt filled his heart.

Noticing Zimo's reaction LongWei decided to honestly tell him what happened. After hearing the truth, Zimo started to cry.

"I'm sorry dear. I don't know what happened. I thought it was a nightmare. I didn't mean to hurt you...I'm sorry." Zimo said as large tears began to fall from his red eyes.

LongWei held Zimo tight. "It's okay baby. It won't happen again. Now eat a little and take your medicine."

Zimo nodded and obediently ate some porridge and drank the medicine. Then he once again fell into a dreamless sleep.

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