Chapter 10: Husband

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"I can't move an inch, it's similar to being trapped in a deep dark cave. I've heard my mother and family discussing what to do now that I'm in this situation. They talk more about how they will suffer now that I am like this then about me. According to them my tragedy is so terrible for them, yet they haven't mentioned once about me.

Being trapped like this, my life is over. It hasn't been the greatest life, but I'm proud to say I have lived a respectable one.


It seems my family have decided to get me a wife. They are truly selfish. I never wanted to bring another person into this family. This family with a gambling father, rapist older brother, and younger brother who is steps away from committing a serious crime. Any woman  who marries me will basically become a tool for these people."


"Dear, your so handsome..."

"Dear, I saw a huge fish today, it looked so delicious..."

"Dear, I'm sorry..."

"This young man who keeps calling me dear seems to be my wife. He sounds young and his voice is soft and soothing. He reminds me of  those cute little birds that are white and round. I've never seen him, but I can't help but imagine such a little bird chirping by my ear.
He talks about so many wonderful things, but I know it is not so easy for him."


"He was hit again today. He won't tell me about it,but I know. This house has thin walls and I could clearly hear the loud sound of him being thrown across the room as my father beat him."


"Say something! Stop talking about the rabbits and the cool breeze and tell me about the pain. Ask me for help, I will help you."

"I promise, I will help you. Please, stop apologizing. I'm your husband, I'm meant to take care of. Just wait a little longer, I'm going to wake up and stop the pain for you. I promise. I will protect you."


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