Chapter 132: Breaking Point

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Old man Li had left early in the morning to return home. Neither LongWei nor Zimo were well enough to escort him down the mountain, so he left alone.

The room was quiet. Now that old man Li was gone, LongWei intended to have a serious conversation with Zimo. He had tried a few times over the last few days. However each time ended without any progress. It would have been awkward and embarrassing if he had pressed the issue at the time.

Now LongWei wasn't sure how to start the conversation. As he sat at the table thinking about how to start the conversation, Zimo was moving about the room cleaning. He had barely stopped moving all morning.

"Baby, we need to talk." LongWei finally said. He decided on the more direct way.

Zimo looked over at LongWei. He didn't look surprised by LongWei's serious tone. They had started several conversations like this over the past few days. With a deep sigh Zimo sat down across from LongWei at the table.

"Baby, things need to change. If you don't take it easy you'll collapse." LongWei said with a stern expression.

"I'm fine." Zimo answered the same as each time before.

"Baby, you're not fine. You've lost so much weight your nothing but skin and bones." LongWei continued.

"I've always been thin." Zimo answered back.

"You're body can't handle the stress your putting it under." LongWei continued pushing forward.

"Don't assume what my body can or can't do. I'm fine." Zimo said his tone showing his frustration. LongWei looked at Zimo.his brow was furrowed from the sadness and exhaustion he felt. He didn't know how to break through Zimo's stubbornness.

With a deep sigh he continued to push. "Baby, the burn is healing nicely. The cooking, shovelling, and cleaning the stable will be my responsibility again. You can focus on feeding the animals and cleaning the house. Just like it was before I got hurt."

"No, you can't be doing anything that outs a lot of stress on your legs right now. It's already risky enough to let you in the kitchen with your burns." Zimo said angrily.

"Baby, my leg is fine. I can handle the heavier manual labour, you however are only going to work yourself sick." LongWei pointed out.

"Stop thinking my body is made of glass or something. I'm fully capable of taking care of the chores while you recover from your injuries." Zimo refuted.

He then got up and planned to walk away again. This time however LongWei wasn't willing to let it end without things being resolved. He reached out and pulled Zimo into his arms. Sitting on LongWei's lap, Zimo began to struggle.


LongWei groaned when Zimo moved on his lap and pressed up against the burn on his leg. Hearing the sound Zimo froze, his face pale. "Let me go. I need to check your leg to make sure I... I didn't make it worse. Zimo stuttered clearly distressed.

"It's fine baby. Forget about my leg and let's talk." LongWei pleaded as he tightened his arms around Zimo.

Feeling LongWei's arms hold him tight, Zimo could only give up.

LongWei looked down at the scrawny little man in his arms. He had lost so much weight, he skin was pale with large black circles around his eyes from lack of sleep. Zimo looked like he might collapse at any second.

Looking at Zimo, LongWei decided to change strategies. "Baby, I'm scared." He whispered as he lowered his forehead to rest on Zimo's thin shoulder.

Hearing LongWei's words Zimo twitched.

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