Chapter 124: Arrangements

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"XiaoMo, are you feeling okay?" Mrs Li asked noticing Zimo was a little pale and quiet.

"I'm okay." Zimo said attempting to smile.

"Come sit down and I'll bring you some warm water to drink. You'll feel better after warming up." Mrs Li said as she pulled them towards the table.

The table wasn't close to the stove, but Zimo was still uncomfortable. LongWei decided to cut their visit short.

"Mrs Li, old man Li, zimo and I are already on a tight schedule and we plan to go to town and run some errands. I hope you don't mind us leaving again quickly. We'll come back later in the day, if you don't mind to spend the night if possible and talk some more." LongWei said.

Mrs Li didn't understand the rush and wanted to say something. However, before she could her husband stepped forward.

"It's no problem at all. I heard the town is busier then usual with some show or something."

"We also heard the news on the way here. Although we probably won't be able to make it." LongWei reasoned.

"We'll then let me walk you out. I was thinking of visiting a friend of mine who lives not far from the village entrance." Old man li said as an excuse. He had noticed LongWei's strange attitude and wanted a chance to ask him about it.

LongWei slo wanted a chance to talk to him about spending the night. He needed to tell the Li's about Zimo's discomfort, but he also didn't want Zimo to feel uncomfortable when he did.

Zimo was already dazed after staying in the room and didn't notice when Mrs Li said goodbye to him. LongWei covered for him and they quickly left.

Unlike when they were at the village leader's house Zimo quickly regained his composer without LongWei's help thanks to the cold breeze.

"Baby, I need to ask old man Li something, why don't you walk ahead a little." LongWei suggested. If this was a normal day, Zimo might be offended. However he had an idea of what
LongWei wanted to talk about. So with slightly reddened ears he walked. Forward in the direction of the village entrance.


"Did something happen?" Old man Li asked immediately.

"Yes, the bandits have come back to the mountain. I'll tLk to you some more about that later tonight. What I want to ask you now is if you could help me make Zimo more comfortable at your place." LongWei said with a serious face.

"What do you mean?" Old man Li asked confused by the request. He had also noticed Zimo's strange behaviour. Although if he had to be honest Zimo was always a little strange in his eyes.

"You remember me telling you about Zimo's fear of fire." LongWei said as he looked at old man Li.

"I do. It cause a bit of a mess with the wife. You also built that unique house because of it, didn't you?" Old man Li said after giving it a little thought.

"That's right. His fear is really bad. In the house just now, seeing the stove and the smell of burning wood or coal was already triggering his fear." Long Wei explained.

"Just that was enough to make him so pale and skittish?" Old man Li said a little surprised.

LongWei nodded to confirm his guess. "It's impossible for us to head back up the mountain today. So we need to stay either at your place or in town. The problem is heating." LongWei continued.

"We'll don't worry and stay with us. As for the heating, what are you thinking of doing? Actually our house now has that kang bed Zimo designed. The wife took a liking to it and we had the time so I made a rough one for our room. If it would help..." Old man Li started saying before LongWei cut him off.

"Thanks, but it would help much. The reason he's fine in our house is because the stove that heats the house and kang are completely out of sight. We made sure to seal things so well,  to even the smell gets through. What I would like is if you cold set up the bedroom without a stove or anything." LongWei said thankful, but also regretful.

"The house doesn't keep the heat that we'll. You'll be very cold without any heating."old man Li said with concern.

"We brought several furs and quilts. If we could borrow a few more that would also be helpful. I wish I could do do something else, but that's the only feasible thing given Zimo's fear." LongWei said his face darkening. He hated not being able to do more for Zimo.

Recognizing LongWei's dilemma old man Li decided to agree and follow along with LongWei's plan.

"What about when you come back for dinner? Do you need me to remove the stove from the living area as well?" Old man Li asked.

"No, just I'm afraid we won't be the best house guests. When we come back I plan to settle Zimo into the bedroom right away. And if possible maybe we can eat something in the room. For talking we can do it outside or in the un heated bedroom as well." LongWei explained.

"I understand. I'll tell Mrs Li and everything will be set up for the two of you by the time you come back." Old man Li said in a reassuring tone.

"Thanks old man Li. I'lol definitely make it up to you soon." LongWei swore. He was asking a lot from the Li couple and both Zimo and himself didn't want to continue taking advantage of the kind old couple.

"Hahaha! Don't worry about it. Just take care not to get sick." Old man Li said as he smacked LongWei hard in the back while laughing.

With that said everything was settled. Old man Li decided to part from the two at this point and head back to the house. He figured Mrs Li would have a lot of questions for him when he got back.


While LongWei was speaking with old man Li, Zimo was busy as well. He was busy thinking about what they could get for the New Year. He wanted to get some couplets at the very least.
"For the spring couplets maybe something like "Heaven adds time and people get older; spring fills the world and blessing fills the door." or is that too strange? We aren't that old yet.
But I also want something that says we will be together for a long time. How about "It's a new year and also the beginning of a new life.", no that won't work. It's more about me not LongWei.
We can do something about living on a mountain. Something like "Winter leaves, mountains become clear, and water sparkles". No that doesn't seem right either.
Maybe something more direct or catchy like "Ring out the past; everything is glorious" . We could also say..."

Zimo's mind continued to wander as he thought of the many different sayings they could use for their couplets. He continued walking forward and hadn't even noticed when LongWei finished talking with old man Li and joined him at his side.

LongWei watched Zimo as he walked forward carelessly. His little birdie was out in his own world again, thinking of who knows what. Looking at him he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"At least my little birdie is acting like his usual carefree self." LongWei thought as he pulled Zimo away before he walked into the deeper snow near the side of the road.

Noticing LongWei's large palm on his shoulder pulling Zimo finally broke from his thoughts. "Dear, are you done talking to old man Li?" He asked as he looked around.

"We didn't talk for so." LongWei said briefly. "How do feel about staying at the Li couples place tonight. LongWei asked trying to be casual.

Zimo looked down before saying, "to be honest, I'm a little uneasy. But if I had to choose, I think the Li's house would be the best choice."

"Okay baby. Don't worry too much. It's just one night. It will be over before you know it." LongWei reassured him. He wanted to hug and kiss him as well. Unfortunately, they were in the middle of the road by the village entrance with many onlookers. It wouldn't be appropriate.

Looking around LongWei couldn't help but think, "Living on the mountain without neighbours or voyeurs is so much better."


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