Chapter 139: Surprise

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The next day LongWei did as planned and left to go check the traps and maybe catch some prey. It was winter and they still had plenty of meat, so hunting wasn't a priority.

"Dear, stay safe and don't take any unnecessary risks." Zimo said as he saw LongWei off early in the morning.

Once LongWei was gone, Zimo didn't waste any time and grabbed his bag full of clay.

"Now I need to mix it with water to make it soft and then I should be able to start sculpting." Zimo thought as he walked around the room looking for a bowl and plate to put it all in.

The mixing part was easy he used the same method they had when building the wall, but with a little less water so it was stiffer.

"What should I make? I can make LongWei himself, but getting the details just right might be difficult. Well I won't know if I don't try." Zimo said making his decision.

As he worked the lump of wet clay started taking form. If someone used the word horrible it would be too good for what Zimo had made after two hours of effort.

"I don't get it. "Guys why doesn't it look right"Zimo asked turning to look at Chu and Bay by his side. Chen and Chong were sent along with LongWei to help.

Both the little tiger and wolf tilted their heads in unison to the right at Zimo's question.

"Ah, never mind, what would you know about art." Zimo said brushing them aside. Looking at the sculpture that was currently  a mash up between a giraffe, swamp creature, and man, Zimo decided to take a break.

"Maybe LongWei's shape it too difficult. I mean most people make animal sculptures when they were start." Zimo convinced himself without any facts to back up his claim.

"If I make an animal, what should it be? Does he have a favourite animal? I remember Cui Tengfei used to call him bear all the time. I could also make a horse like Ji. He really likes and takes care of Ji compared to our other animals."

Zimo continued to think as he ate a few snacks. Occasionally, he would through a jujube or nut over to Chu and Bay who were laying by his feet.

"Okay I've decided. I'll do a horse." Zimo stated.


Several minutes later a four legged thing appeared on the plate in front of Zimo. If he had to compare it to his earlier attempt at LongWei it was better. At the very least it looked like an animal.

"Maybe I should let the mud dry first before adding in the finer details?" Zimo thought. Every time he tried to make the eye or the hair it just sort of looked mushy.

Zimo stood up and took a quick peek outside. It was almost noon. LongWei usually came back right on time to prepare dinner. If he gave the mud time to dry a little he might be able to finish before LongWei returned.

However it would be close and the surprise would be ruined if LongWei came back and saw it while it was unfinished.

"If I don't finish today I might not have another chance before it completely dries... I got it. I'll add some extra mud and carve out the details from the dry mud later." With that decided Zimo worked hard to add a little more bulk from his already chunky horse.

Proud of the final result, Zimo went in search of a place for it to dry. It needed to be sunny but also hidden and safe from the snow. "Keeping it in the house would be best because it's warm. The problem is LongWei will definitely see it."

Zimo walked around the house a few times before finally making a decision. He decided to move a box on the cabinet in front of the window. The cabinet itself held some of their summer clothes and things they didn't often use but didn't feel comfortable storing in the damp old house. He tuned the box so the top would face towards the window and placed the sculpture inside.

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