Chapter 11: It Will Be Okay

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The world began to spin. QianFei went flying and the room quickly went quiet.

"Hic..What's happening? Why is it suddenly so dark, what was that sound. Hic..." zimo questioned the situation as he sobbed under the quilt. He couldn't grasp what had just happened, one moment he was bout to be ... but then suddenly everything started to spin and grew dark.

"You! How?! You should be nothing but a breathing corpse now, how could you?"

QianFei was equally confused, but unlike Zimo who had been covered up the the quilt, he could see LongWei as he slowly got up from the bed.

It had been a long time since he last moved his body, so he was moving sluggishly. However this did not lesson the pressure QianFei felt as LongWei approached him. Every step he took felt like a stone pressing down on his limbs.

QianFei knew he could not underestimate LongWei, even if he had lost so much weight and had been laying motionless for nearly a month. There was still no chance he could win against his younger brother.

In a deep voice that sounded hoarse after not speaking for so long, LongWei spoke,

"Someone like you deserves death."

He spoke very little, but his words froze QianFei's body down to his bones.


Due to Zimo's poor hearing he did not hear LingWei's speak. Still confused about what was happening he didn't dare to remove the quilt from his body.

LongWei heard his little bird's crying voice for the first time today, and it broke his heart.

Seeing LongWei's inattention QianFei turned and ran. He did not even pull up his pants as he left the house in fear.


LongWei looked at the small shivering bundle on the bed. He wanted to o fort his little birdy, but he didn't know how. He had never be soft or sweet. He had confidence in a fight, but looking at Zimo, he was scared. What if he made things worse? What if his little birdy refused to speak to him after seeing his cold eyes and felt his oppressive posture.

LongWei stood there as still has an old tree, unsure of what to do next.


Not hearing any movement or feeling anyone's presence in the room, zimo began to relax a little.
He still didn't dare to remove the quilt, but made small movement to the left of the bed.

LongWei stared curiously at the little birdy.

"What is he looking for?" LongWei questioned as he watched the movement.

"Hic... Dear, are you okay? Hic... Where are you? Sniffle...Dear, I'm sorry. Hic..." zimo felt around the bed hoping to grab LongWei.

Just now he was thrown on top of his body and pressed down. The bed wasn't large and despite being thin Zimo was still a man, having him thrown on top of another person would hurt them.

He pushed through his fear and began to feel around hoping to check on his condition.

LongWei heard Zimo's words and his heart melted. This was his wife, his little birdy. Despite the pain and fear, he still cared about the man in a coma, the man he had never properly met.

LongWei took a step closer and placed his hand within reach of Zimo's grasp. When Zimo finally grabbed LongWei's hand the warmth helped them both calm down and relax a little.

After some time had passed, zimo had calmed down and stopped shivering under the quilt.

"Dear, I'm sorry about what happened today. But don't worry things will be okay. Are you hungry? You must be hungry I have given you your breakfast yet. I'll go look for something soon, just wait. Okay?" Zimo said in his usual chatterbox soft spoken matter. His voice still astringent and a little raspy from crying, yet with a tinge of optimism LongWei had grown used to hearing.

The only difference now is that LongWei could finally answer back.

LongWei tightened his grip on Zimo's hand as he said,

"Don't apologize."

Hearing the strange voice, Zimo's whole body stiffened.


ZiMo tentatively popped his head out from under the quilt and his eyes tinged with red and a little puffy locked onto LongWei's eyes. He couldn't believe it.

"Wow!? It's... he's... My dear is finally awake." As Zimo stared at LongWei he couldn't help but become enraptured with his eyes. They were a deep black. They reminded Zimo of the sky at night when it's moonless, with the slight glistening from the light outside giving the appearance of the stars shining.

So many thoughts and feelings ran through Zimo's mind from joy and admiration, to confusion and hesitation. These same feelings also plagued LongWei's mind as he looked back at Zimo.

Zimo had large beautiful eyes that were black but full of emotion.

"Heh. He really is just like a little white fluffy birdy." He thought has he noticed Zimo's hair that was fluffed up and cute expressions.

"Dear?" ZiMo tentatively asked as he shrunk back under the quilt a little. He was happy to see LongWei awake, but then he remembered how they had never met before and how the wedding was not something LongWei had agreed to.

"Sorry, Yuan LongWei. My... my name is Zhang ZiMo, and I'm your husband." Zimo tried his best to introduce himself, but he was worried.

How would LongWei react? Would he became angry? Will he throw him out of the house?" As Zimo lay under the quilt growing increasingly nervous as time passed, LongWei finally spoke.

"I know. When I was in a coma, I could hear everything thing you said. That's why you don't need to apologize. I'm not angry. Don't be scared. I'm your husband, and I will protect you. Everything will be okay now. I will protect you."

Zimo who had finally stopped crying, began to cry once more. No one had ever said those words to him before. For the first time in two lives, someone comforted him and swore to protect him.

Seeing Zimo start crying again, LongWei froze again.

"Did I say something wrong?!" LongWei thought to himself.

Zimo pulled LongWei's hand close and grasped it next to his heart.

Seeing Zimo's action LongWei decided to cooperate and lay down on the bed next to Zimo, holding him in his arms and simply letting him cry. Zimo cried until he fell into a deep sleep.

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