Chapter 116: Snow Days

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Days went by and Zimo's throat improved. He could finally eat without any pain or discomfort. The bruising on his throat was almost completely gone.

LongWei decided to go hunting. They didn't have any fresh meat so he decided to try and catch a goat. The doctor had mentioned it being good for Zimo's health to eat in the winter.

"Dear, be careful. If it's too dangerous or if you feel cold come back. We have plenty of dry foods to last the winter without ever leaving the house." Zimo nagged as he tied a thick scarf around LongWei's neck.

"I know baby. I'll be careful and come back before dinner. While I'm gone make sure you eat lunch and the snacks I prepared." LongWei said. He then gave Zimo a sweet kiss.

With LongWei gone, Zimo was feeling a little bored. With the snow LongWei hadn't wanted to go outside, so they spent their time inside playing Othello, chatting, and other simple activities together.

Now, alone Zimo was t sure what to do. "Wait, LongWei isn't here. Hehehe... I can finally play outside!" Zimo thought. He quickly went to the bedroom and dressed warmly.

"Everyone let's go have a snowball fight." Zimo said to the wolf pups.

Outside snowballs flew through the air. The wolf pups dodged left and right. Chen preferred to jump up and catch the balls in his mouth.

"Great catch!" Zimo yelled as he prepared another snowball. In this way, Zimo and the wolf pups played all morning.

"Achoo!" With a sneeze Zimo froze in place. "Oh no, not good. Everyone let's go back inside. Dear will never forgive me if I get sick." Zimo said as he headed back inside. Once inside Zimo quickly changed out of the cold wet clothes into some dry ones, he also carefully dried each pups wet fur from the snow.

He then sat at the table to  eat a bowl of soup. LongWei had made it in the morning. Several hours had passed, but the soup was still warm because of the iron pot.

Eating the warm soup, Zimo felt his body warm. LongWei had added some Sichuan spice making it a little spicy.

After lunch, normally Zimo would take a nap with LongWei. Even so, without LongWei Zimo still struggled sleeping alone. He still often had nightmares. Especially while sleeping on the warm kang. LongWei had left some warm coals in the stove to heat the house before leaving. Zimo was fine if he distracted himself and stayed awake, but he couldn't guarantee anything if he fell asleep.

"Babies, what should we do?" He asked as he flopped down on the couch. When LongWei was there, he was never bored. Just having him by his side made him feel satisfied, calm, and relaxed. Now, alone,  boredom set in.

"Maybe, I can make another game?" Zimo thought as he looked at the Othello board. They often played it together, but no matter how fun it was, it would be better to have variety.

The question was what game to make? Zimo decided to look through the materials he had on hand. He had some paint, bamboo, random wood pieces, ink, and a pile of paper.

After some thought like a bolt of lightning an idea struck. "Cards! I'lol need to cut them a little smaller in size but I should be able to make cards." Zimo thought as he looked at the paper.

LongWei had bought him a lot of paper. It was expensive, but Zimo liked to sketch his ideas and make lists. With that decided Zimo first went to work cutting the paper into fifty-two identical rectangles.

Cutting each one was no easy task. It took patience and precision work. Zimo worked on it all afternoon. By the time LongWei returned he had only managed to finish cutting the cards and had yet to try and paint the numbers on them yet.

"Babies, is dear back?" Zimo asked noticing the wolf pups staring in the direction of the front gate, ear erect.

Zimo got up and put on his padded jacket before heading for the door to welcome LongWei back.

LongWei returned with only three rabbits. Disheartened by his poor hunt, LongWei approached Zimo.

"Things didn't go well?" Zimo asked.

"Hm, not many animals move around in the winter. I tried to find some goats in the rocky area, but there were none. I'm going to try again tomorrow." LongWei admitted as he led Zimo back inside.

"You should stay home tomorrow. Going out two days in a row int his weather can't be good for your health." Zimo worried feeling LongWei's cold hands.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm very healthy. Something like this isn't enough to bring me frown." LongWei reassured.

Zimo wanted to refute, by he hadn't seen LongWei weak since he woke up from the coma.

"What about you baby? What have you been doing all day?" LongWei asked. Zimo nervously looked away, he couldn't tell LongWei about playing outside all morning. "I just hung out with the wolf pups all day. We played a little and I started working on a new game we can play together." Zimo said avoiding eye contact with LongWei.

His strange behaviour didn't escape LongWei's gaze. "Oh? What did you play with the wolf pups?" He asked suspiciously.

"The usual, a little hide-and-seek, tag, catch!  O thing that interesting. Hey, do you want to see the game I'm making?" Zimo answered trying to change the topic.

"I noticed a big mess in the yard. Did a rabbit or something get into the yard?" LongWei questioned with a smirk.

Zimo panicked. He forgot that snow showed their tracks much more clearly than grass. "That is, well the wolf pups felt a little bored inside, so I let them out to run a round and play. They really like the snow after all. Hehe..." Zimo answered.

"I see, did you join them outside?" LongWei asked.

Zimo didn't dare to lie, but he also didn't want to tell LongWei about playing outside in the snow all morning. "Jus, just a little. I threw some snowball for them to catch and play with." Zimo said trying to downplay his involvement.

Staring at Zimo who was clearly guilty, LongWei gave a drawn out sigh. "Baby, I know you want to play outside. Nevertheless, your body can't handle the cold well. What would happen if you get sick?"

"I won't I came in before I got cold." Zimo defended. LongWei knew Zimo liked the snow. He also suspected Zimo might take this opportunity to play outside. Feeling Zimo's forehead to check for a fever, LongWei said, "Next time don't go outside when I'm not around. I'll worry." He warned.

"If I can't go outside when your not here, can I go outside when you are?" Zimo asked with his big innocent eyes.

LongWei wanted to refuse, but he understood keeping Zimo locked up all winter might be impossible. "Okay, if it's together. Just promise you'll stay inside where it is warm when I'm not around." LongWei said as a compromise. At least this way he could keep watch and not have to worry about Zimo while away.

Knowing he wouldn't get LongWei to agree to more, Zimo quickly nodded. He didn't mind LongWei's control, because he knew that if it was something he really wanted, rather than stop him he would support and help him.

He also knew LongWei was right about his body. He had gotten sick and hurt too many times since coming to this world to not know the truth. If not for LongWei's overprotective and caring nature, he would probably be bedridden all year, maybe, even worse.

Getting Zimo's promise LongWei relaxed. "Are you okay with rabbit stew for dinner tonight?" LongWei asked as he took one of the rabbits he caught.

"Okay, dear." Zimo said with a smile. He was fine eating anything LongWei prepared. During their time together LongWei had become an incredible cook.

The wintery days continued uneventful. Everyday Zimo and LongWei enjoyed their time together playing games, cooking and occasionally hunting.


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