Chapter 8: Trick

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The next morning, Zimo woke up early and began preparing for the day. He walked over to the well and began filling the bucket, prepared to take it back to the room to wash himself and the handsome sleeping beauty called his husband.

Not paying much attention to where he was stepping he tripped after stepping into a small hole that seemed to be dug out in the middle of the well beaten path.

"Why is there a hole here?" Zimo wondered as he bend down and stared at it.

"It's a bit dangerous, I should quickly fill it in before someone gets hurt."

As Zimo had started filling in the hole he suddenly heard,

"Hey, what do you think your doing? How could you dig holes here? Don't tell me you plan on making the path dangerous, so someone will fall and get hurt. Do you think doing these small petty moves is okay?" Said XiaoFeng as he sneered.

Zimo looked back in shock. "What did he mean saying something like this. Did he hope others would misunderstand him?"

Before Zimo could refute he saw an angry Father BoHan take a deep breath as his eyes grew red.

"You dare!" He yelled as he quickly approached Zimo.

Normally after being hit once or twice Father Bohan's anger would lesson and he would walk away. However what stopped him today was a loud scream that came from the kitchen not far away.

"Quick, quick, someone come quick!" She screamed.

Everyone quickly ran towards the kitchen to see what had happened. Everyone except TingFeng, he simple swaggered over, looking amused and ready to enjoy eating melon seeds.

"What happened daughter-in-law Yun? Why are you screaming so early in the morning?" Asked mother Fu as she looked around the kitchen.

"It's all ruined. Look here, last night I prepared so much food, yet now they are covered in mud and dirt. What monster would do such a thing. We barely have enough food to eat, yet someone dares to deliberately destroy a full two days worth of buns? Now who can eat them?" Ji Yun said as she cried into the palms of her hands.

As everyone stared at the mud covered buns, they heard a voice by the door.

"Was it you?" TingFeng said, as he looked towards Zimo.
"If I recall, you were just digging around in the dirt just now, you wouldn't have done this too, would you?"

Zimo grew pale. He would never waste food, he knew best the feeling of starving and spending days unable to appease is hunger. However, it was no use explaining things. The moment TingFeng spoke everyone had already found him guilty and looked at him with rage filling their hearts.

Zimo quickly turned to run, he knew it would do no good. But he had to try.

"Please, please, don't kill me." He thought as he ran towards the back gate.

Before Zimo could even take ten steps he was caught by QianFei. QianFei quickly threw Zimo down on the ground and pressed him under himself. Zimo tried to struggle free, but he was too weak. His arms were pinned above his head and he could do nothing but pray in his mind not to be killed.

"This little fool, how dare he think he could harm our family this way and not get caught. It seems we have been too good to him." QianFei said and his passed his gaze over Zimo's body that lay pinned beneath him.

"Father BoHan, leave this white eyed wolf to me, I promise after today, he will never have any thoughts about harming our family again."

Father BoHan looked towards QianFei, seeming a little unsatisfied that QianFei had captured the boy first. But, upon further thought he knew that the things QianFei would do to the boy would be far worse than a simple beating. He stepped back and said,

"Don't kill him. We still need him to take care of Erzi."

Zimo could not stop himself from shivering as the two men discussed what would happen to him.

"What? What was he going to do?" Zimo didn't quite understand put he knew it was bad. And for the first time after coming to this world he began to cry.

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