Chapter 33: PLANS

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On the way back, the cart was full of pots,
There wasn't enough room for everyone to sit, they decide it would be better if the Li's took an ox cart and LongWei would ride the old mule alone together.

Along the way Zimo fell asleep once again. When he woke up again he was being lifted off the cart at the Li's house.

"Baby, how did you sleep?" LongWei asked.

"Hm... sorry, I keep falling asleep." Zimo said.

"It's fine, I need to go around the village to ask others if they have some vegetables to sell. Are you okay staying with Mrs Li, or do you want to come with me?" LongWei asked.

Zimo wanted to automatically say "let's go together." But then he remembered the shovel scythe and other gardening tools he wanted to ask old man Li about. He had bought paper, an ink stone, and brush so he could draw it out for old man Li. "I want to ask old man Li about maybe making something with iron. Is it okay if I stay and talk with him?" Zimo asked. Separating from LongWei did make him feel uncomfortable, but they really couldn't spend twenty-four hours seven days a week together.

"Is it the farming tools you talked about improving last time?" LongWei asked. The two of them had talked about while building the mud wall. Using iron for farming tools seemed a little extravagant, but if Zimo wanted them LongWei didn't mind spending the money.

Zimo nodded.

When Zimo e eye red the house alone old man Li looked at him strangely, he didn't think LongWei would let Zimo leave his side so soon after what happened.

"Where's LongWei?"

"He's going out to buy some vegetables from the villagers. Old man Li, can I ask you about maybe making some things from iron for us?" Zimo said.

"If it's something I can make, no problem," old man Li said.

Hearing what Zimo said, Mrs Li decided to go out and help LongWei. She knew the villagers best, and there were a few she thought could use the extra money.

Zimo took out the ink, brush, and paper preparing to draw his designs as he discussed them with old man Li.

"When did you by these? You could just tell me. No knees to write anything." Old man Li said a little conflicted, this was all very expensive.

"There are several, and some have a bit of a complicated shape." Zimo said looking embarrassed.

The first tool he drew was the shovel. He made a shape similar to the tactical shovels used in the army with a longer handle, and serrated edge on one side and pointed tip. Iron wasn't as strong as the composite metals used in the future, but if it worked, they could remake it if the blade became dull.

Old man Li looked at the shovel, it seemed strange, with unnecessary parts, but Zimo seemed convinced every part was important. Overall, it might take a little time, but it wasn't impossible.

Next was the scythe. This was even weirder. Zimo said the curved blade made cutting grass or rice would be ten times easier with this knife, but old man Li couldn't imagine it being any good.

When their talk was done, Zimo had drawn an shovel, scythe, hoe, pitchfork, hotpot, and flat plate.

"This is certainly a lot. When do you need them for?" Old man Li asked. 

"There is no rush, these are just things I thought of and wanted to try. If you can't make them or don't have time, don't worry about them. Oh! Except this pot, I need this pot before winter." Zimo said pointed at the hot pot while licking his lips. It was the YinYang style for two soup broths. Zimo loved hotpot and couldn't imagine making it through winter without it.

"Got it." Old man Li said laughing.


While zimo was speaking with old man Li. Mrs Li had caught up with LongWei.

"Let's go to the Fu family. The have a large garden, but since there two daughters married, they haven't needed so much. They should have a lot to sell." Mrs Li suggested.

LongWei didn't mind at all. As they walked Mrs Li kept looking at LongWei. He could tell she had something weighing on her mind, but he wasn't willing to kick of the conversation himself. It wasn't until they bought vegetables from three different families that Mrs Li finally started speaking.

"LongWei how is Zimo when your in the mountains? Does he have nightmares often? What do you usually do when he gets like this?" Mrs Li asked. She was very scared today seeing Zimo so pale and being unable to help.

"This is the first time he's had a nightmare, that I know of. I think it has to do with me not being next to him. There are times when he's lost in thought but nothing as serious as today. The worst was when I spent the day hunting. Coming back he seemed more enthusiastic than necessary, but it hadn't affected his health." LongWei said as he thought about Zimo and their life together so far.

"Hm... he's very dependant on you. I'm worried if it's only the two of you staying in the mountains alone, he might..."

"It's fine, Mrs Li. I don't think moving back to the village would be a good choice right now." LongWei interrupted.

"But, he needs a lot of care and attention, and with you hunting. You can't be together all the time." Mrs Li said.

"Mrs Li I understand your concerns, but Zimo doesn't do well with other people. You e seen him in town. When others walk to close to him, or when theirs a loud sound, his reactions aren't normal. In the mountains, when it's just the two of us he relaxes a lot. He's almost always smiling and talking."LongWei said with a slight smile on his face.

"Mrs Li was surprised. Had had indeed noticed Zimo's timid and insecure behaviour, even with her and old man Li it was clear he wasn't completely comfortable,  it she didn't realize he could chat and smile all day when it was only LongWei and him.

"If it's truly like you say, I won't be able to convince you to move into the village. But what will you do in the winter?" Mrs Li asked.

"We don't have much choice. I'm thinking of moving down the mountain. But not in the village centre. I want to find a place far on the outskirts. Close enough we can reach travel, but far enough no one will approach without a reason." LongWei said.

"Hm... there aren't any places like that. But if you want to build your own place it isn't impossible. That land hasn't been reclaimed, it should be cheap to buy." Mrs Li said as she thought about the village.

"Hm, building something ourselves might be nice. It doesn't need to be big, but it's important it's warm. I don't have the money right now, but I should have enough the next time I come down the mountain to sell my what I've hunted." LongWei said.

"In that case I'll ask around if there is anyone willing to help build it, and where the best materials are." Mrs Li stated.

With everything figured out, LongWei now only needed to discuss things with Zimo. He didn't think Zimo would disagree, but he understood after today how important it was to talk about things with him. "If I had mentioned leaving in the morning, would things have gotten so bad?" LongWei thought.


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