Chapter 68: Shopping Spree

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At the end of the month Zimo and LongWei made two trips into town. The first was to sell the animals LongWei had caught, do some shopping, and make arrangements for the construction work they would start the following week.

LongWei had worked hard and managed to catch two roe deer, and plenty of rabbits. At first, they intended to sell them in the market but LongWei changed his mind after reaching town.

"Baby, let's go to the restaurant we went to last time. They might be willing to buy one of the deer." LongWei said as he changed the carts direction.

Zimo didn't care much. He would be happy as long as they made enough money to buy everything on their long shopping list.


Arriving at the restaurant, LongWei pulled in from the back like they had done previously and knocked on the back door. A young man quickly answered.

"Hello, can I help you?" He asked.

"We are looking for the shop owner, is he in today." LongWei politely answered.

"Just a moment, I'll go get him now." He said before closing the door once more.

Soon the restaurant owner Han Fengge came out.

"You're the hunter who sold us the deer and boar last time." He said sounding pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, I recently caught to roe deer, and wanted to know if you might want to purchase them." LongWei went straight to the point.

"Roe deer? I would certainly be interested. The animals you sold us last time were praised by our guests, and we quickly sold out of meat." He said laughing as he remembered the money he had made.

"I'm sure it was because of your excellent chef's skill." LongWei said.

"No, our chef is certainly talented, but your idea to offer the deer meat as a prize for eating boar was what truly made it successful." Han Fengge was all praise for Zimo and LongWei. He had made more money during that time then he had made in the previous month.

"I'll go fetch the chef and we can have a look at those roe deer." He said as he went back inside.

When the chef saw LongWei and Zimo he, just like the owner was full of praise. Zimo started to feel very awkward.

"We also have a lot of rabbit. I don't know how many you would be willing to buy." LongWei said in an attempt to get things back on track.

"Of course, let's quickly take a look.

After looking at the roe deer and rabbits, it was decided they would buy twelve rabbits and the two deer for two hundred silver. It was a generous amount.

As they discussed the price Zimo spoke to the chef and made a small suggestion.

"The weather is getting colder recently. If you add ginger to a soup broth with chicken it tastes delicious and it's also good for your health." Zimo said.

"Isn't ginger used by the doctor in medicine? Will it really taste good." The chef asked.

"Hm. It's delicious with yams and cabbage added or you can make it with noodles. Rice is also good. Try experimenting and you might come up with something even more delicious." Zimo suggested.


After receiving the money, they left for the butcher to sell the remaining five rabbits. They had given the Li couple three the day before when they arrived and didn't wish to sit at the morning market to wait and sell them. It was wiser to use the time for other tasks.

Next was shopping. They had a lot they needed to buy with the added expense of feeding all the men who would be working on the house.

First they had rice, salt, sugar, and although they use it much anymore since Zimo made butter, lard. After that they stopped by the doctor for a checkup and some medicine.

"It has been quite some time since I last saw you. How has your health been?" Said the doctor as he prepared to take Zimo's pulse.

"He sometimes gets fevers when we are intimate." LongWei honestly said.

Hearing LongWei talk about "that" Zimo's face turned crimson. LongWei on the other hand listened carefully as the doctor explained that the fever was most likely caused by over exertion. When he gets these types of fevers, he needs to take some medicine to lower his temperature and rest well.

After taking Zimo's pulse, the doctor smiled. "His health has improved. He is still weaker than most and will become exhausted much quicker. You needs to be aware of his limits.
The weather is also beginning to cool. Zhang Zimo's body is sensitive to temperature changes, be careful to keep warm.
I will prescribe two different fever medication. One can be used for a slight fever caused by doing those activities. The other will be used for colds or if he catches a bad chill.
I'll also be changing the nourishing medicine to adjust for his current needs." The doctor said. He had always been kind and very professional.

"Thank you doctor." LongWei said. He appreciated the thought and care the doctor gave them. They then received the new prescriptions from the apprentice before leaving.


After visiting the doctor, Zimo wanted to go to the general store. They needed to buy many clay pots, jars, and bags for storing the dried food and spices as well as make soap, butter, and Zimo was thinking about making kimchi, and other pickled vegetables for the winter.

It was important to eat vegetables and fruit in winter, but not the easiest to do in this ancient society. Zimo was also concerned about eating the same foods for months on end without much change.

As for new iron pots and knives, they asked old man Li to make them some time ago, so they should be ready soon.

When they finished shopping a large portion of their savings was gone. However they still had a lot left to purchase materials for the construction of the house and hire men.


Returning to the village they went to find old man Li. He had promised to hire some men and speak to some carpenters for them about acquiring the wood planks used for the flooring, roof, and new furniture.

They also bought tiles for the roof. It was a lot to carry and the old mule wouldn't be able to handle such a load. So old man Li arranged for it to be loaded on two ox carts that they would borrow for the duration of the build.

With everything prepared Zimo and LongWei got ready for bed early. The next day, the men they previously hired, two carpenters, and two men who new how to dig wells would come up and help construct the house.

Mrs Li and old man Li also decided to come and help. Mrs Li would be in charge of cooking, and old man Li could help with the construction and monitor the men.

As Zimo and LongWei lay in bed the discussed their plans.

"Dear, where will everyone sleep? Thea's also Mrs Li and old man Li. We can't put her in the main rehouse with all those men." Zimo said worried.

"We'll give our bed to the Li couple and set them up in the kitchen where it is warmer. We will still sleep alone in the shed, but on the ground over some hay and quilts. The other men will sleep in the main house like last time." LongWei explained.

"Okay, but can you warn the men this time not to piss everywhere. It was disgusting cleaning the house after they left last time." Zimo said remembering the scene and smell left behind previously.

LongWei gave a low chuckle. "Okay, baby. I'll be sure to warn them. Now go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day." He said as he gave Zimo a tender kiss on the forehead and rubbed his back rhythmically.

Zimo was quite tired after a full day of shopping and running around. He soon fell asleep.


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