Chapter 75: Hunting

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The next morning, LongWei covered Zimo in multiple layers of clothes. To the point it was a little difficult for him to move.

"Dear, how am I supposed to walk like this?" Zimo questioned as he waddled around the living room.

"Slowly and carefully." Was LongWei's response as he continued to pack the basket of supplies they would bring.

Zimo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. LongWei was clearly acting like a mother coddling her young. It was both a little suffocating and heartwarming.

Soon it was time to leave. Zimo followed behind with the three little wolf pups taking their preferred spot. Chen walked ahead exploring as they went. Chong followed from behind surveying the area quietly, and Chu stuck close to Zimo's side.

LongWei didn't like the little pests much, but even he had to admit they guarded Zimo well. Thinking of the future when they would be fierce and strong, LongWei would no longer have to worry about anyone harming his little birdie when he isn't around.

They quietly walked through the forest. Unlike where the house was, the forest was much denser. There was a lot to observe and catch Zimo's attention. Zimo noticed some small birds flying above with a deep brown colour. He than noticed a pine tree. Pine trees have pine nuts that taste delicious fried. He wanted to ask LongWei if they could stop and gather some to eat in winter.

Suddenly LongWei pulled Zimo down and placed his hand over his lips. The three wolf pups also crouched down as they stared in the direction of a large patch of grass.

LongWei slowly pulled out his bow and arrow aiming at something. Zimo didn't know what it was. He could not see the target from where he stood.

As he watched LongWei take aim, he held his breath, heart beating nervously in his chest.

Swish... thunk.

The arrow flew out and hit something in the distance. LongWei turned to Zimo. "It's okay now baby. Breath." He said. LongWei had noticed Zimo stiffen and stop breathing.

"Eh!? Ah, yes. Dear did you get it?" Zimo asked regaining his focus.

"Yes, I managed to incapacitate a large rabbit." He said as he got up to go get the rabbit.
The morning continued much the same. As they walked further up the mountain, the frequency of meeting rabbits increased. The wolf pup Cheng even had a chance to chase and catch a rabbit.

"You're amazing Chen. Good job." Zimo praised.

"Dear, can we give the rabbit to the wolf pups? They have been very obedient and after successfully hunting a rabbit for the first time I think they deserve a reward." Zimo said, turning to LongWei.

"Okay baby. I'll quickly butcher and give it to them when we reach a place with water." LongWei said as he packed the rabbit up in one of the baskets.

"Did you here that? You get to eat this fat rabbit all by yourselves." Zimo said as he patted the wolf pups. The wolf pups had naturally been eating meat.

However they didn't always have fresh meat and when they did the wolf pups were usually given the less desirable parts. They also ate meat that was dried with as little salt as possible, or porridge mixed with eggs.

Zimo wanted to feed them more meat, but it wasn't easy. Therefore today's fT rabbit would certainly be a treat.


A little after noon, they reached a small stream. LongWei decided to set up a place to rest and eat. Zimo had been walking for a long time and was feeling rather tired. He didn't say anything, but LongWei knew.

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