Chapter 50: BUILDING A WALL (part 2)

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The next day, LongWei woke up late.looking at Zimo sleeping in his arms he smiled.

Last night, Zimo had revealed his biggest secrets to him. It was more heart breaking than he ever could have imagined. However now Zimo was by his side and he would make sure Zimo would be happy.

The wolf pups wiggled by Zimo's back giving off soft cries. They were probably hungry. LongWei didn't want to wake Zimo. "You little pests, wait and Zimo will feed you when he wakes up." LongWei watched Zimo sleep, but Zimo showed no signs of waking up.

LongWei placed his palm on Zimo's soft cheek and was shocked. It was hot. Zimo's face felt burning hot.

"Baby. Baby wake up." LongWei. Allen out as he gently shook Zimo.

Zimo opened his eyes with a flutter before closing them again. "Mmm... sleep" Zimo said with a dry hoarse voice filled with sleepiness.

LongWei was happy Zimo woke up,  it couldn't let him sleep again.

"Baby, wake up. You have a fever." LongWei aid once more nudging him awake.

"Mmm." Zimo groaned as he pushed LongWei away.

LongWei couldn't laugh or cry. This time he directly sat Zimo up. "Baby, wake up. You have a fever. Drink some water."

Finally, Zimo opened his eyes giving LongWei a clearly unhappy look. Kissing Zimo on his furrowed brow LongWei chuckled. "Baby, drink some water, I'm going to go prepare you some medicine and something to eat." LongWei said patiently.

Zimo looked at LongWei then rolled away and on top of the little wolf pups, luckily before the wolf pups were crushed, LongWei pulled Zimo back in his arms.

"Baby, I don't mind if you want to kill those wolf pups, but you might cry later." Finally noticing his surroundings and the small, hungry pups next to him Zimo regained some of his sense.

"They are hungry." He said.

"I'll go get the goats milk and the bamboo stick." LongWei said as he got out of bed. LongWei worked hard. He made some ginger porridge, and. The fever reducing medicine for Zimo. At the same time he prepared the milk for the wolf pups. After the four of them we fed and sleeping again, LongWei made himself comfortable at the table and pulled out his hunting tools. He decided to take the time to sharpen and clean his tools.


In the afternoon, Zimo finally woke up again. His fever a gone down and he had more energy.

"Baby, how do feel?" LongWei asked as he moved to feel his forehead.

"Hm. Okay." Zimo answered his voice was still hoarse and his eyes had yet to recover from a night of crying.

"I don't think you're sick. The fever might have been caused by lack of sleep." LongWei said, not mentioning how Zimo had cried.

Zimo nodded.

"LongWei. I... I like you. Thank you for being my husband." Zimo said. He had wanted to say it last night, but couldn't muster the strength while crying.

"Baby, I like you, too. Thank you for also being my husband." LongWei said followed by a long passionate kiss.


Hearing the wolf pups whine Zimo pushed LongWei away.
"The pups are hungry. Is there any milk left? I should go and milk the goat." Zimo said feeling embarrassed.

LongWei raised an eyebrow as he looked over at LongWei, sighed, stood up and walked over to get the jar of milk. It was still half full. However after a day it was questionable if it was still okay to drink.

Zimo got dressed, took the jars used for milk and heading over to the goat. After milking the goat Zimo stared at the three full jars. "The wolf pups can drink one jar in a day. LongWei and me can share a jar. The third jar... let's make butter." Zimo thought.

"If I remember correctly butter is made by adding some alt to cream and  shaking or stirring the milk until it turns to butter. LongWei returned from the river to see Zimo with a jar placed on his lap being bounced up and down.

"Baby, what are you doing?" LongWei asked curiously.

"I'm trying to make goat butter." Zimo said.

"Is it something you eat?" LongWei asked.

"Hm. It's delicious and we can use it instead of oil when frying food." Zimo said.

"Here your turn. Sake this for a while. Don't let the milk inside spill." Zimo said as he passed the jar over to LongWei.

LongWei obediently sat down and started shaking the jar. Zimo took the opportunity to stretch a little, he was sore after shaking the jar for so long.

"Dear,I was thinking about the new house. Can we build the wall from here to the river?" Zimo asked.

"It's not impossible, but why do you want to build it so far out?"

"Well, I was thinking yesterday how boring it is to just stay in this small yard. If we build the wall all the way to the river bend, the animals will ah e more room to walk around. They can also eat the grass and leaves. We won't need to gather as much." Zimo explained his plan to expand the yard.

"We can also get ducks and let them swim in the quiet part of the river. It's also safer. You know when you leave to go hunting your always telling me to stay in the yard, if the yard reaches all the way to the river, I can still do laundry, go fishing, and take a walk." Zimo continued, determined to convince LongWei its a good idea.

"Okay, but we'll need to build some of it everyday for the next month or two if we want to finish before fall. Once fall hits, handling the mud will be too difficult with the cold weather." LongWei said. He had no reason not to agree. Whatever made his little birdie happy, was worth doing.

With that decided Zimo and LongWei started building the wall. In the mornings, they worked on the wall and in the afternoons, they took care of the animals and garden.

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