Chapter 98: Comfort

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Walking back to the house, Chen suddenly emerged from the forest. He circled around Zimo whimpering. The show of worry Chen showed warmed his heart.

"Chen, can you go get LongWei? Zimo asked as he knelt down and pet Chen. What Zimo wanted most right now was LongWei.

The wolf pup Chen nuzzled Zimo's hand before running off once more.


LongWei and the others were currently at a loss. They had been tracking the bandits movements fora few hours without success.  Looking at the traces in front of them, Kong Huizhong's eyebrows furrowed.

"This isn't good. It looks like they split." He said as he indicated the distinct marks in the dirt.

"Can you tell what directions the went in?" LongWei asked. He was feeling uneasy. The group of bandits had reached the area near where Zimo and him often went.

"These tracks, I would say belong to five men. They are heading south up the mountain. While these are going north." Huizhong pointed.

"The ones moving south are travelling away from the house, but those going north might have reached the bamboo forest we went to yesterday." Xu Qingsheng commented.

"Should we split?" Yi Lei asked.

"No, let's follow the smaller group towards the bamboo forest first. They are the higher risk." Kong Huizhong said noticing LongWei's unease.

It wouldn't take long to reach the house from the bamboo forest. It was also a well travelled path without any traps currently set up. He trusted Chang Shaoqing and Tan Yan to be fine. Nonetheless, LongWei hadn't seen them fight yet, and would naturally feel uncomfortable leaving the protection of his spouse to others.

Deciding on their next course of action, they suddenly heard a howl rom the forest followed by the wolf pup Chen running out of the forest.

This had never happened before. "What's going on?" Xu Qingsheng asked looking over to LongWei. However LongWei was no longer standing next to him. He had run forward in the direction the wolf pup came in followed by the other wolf pup Chong.

Quickly grasping the situation, Kong and the others ran after LongWei.


Zimo and the others had reached the house. For safety, Tan Yan moved forward to check the house for intruders. They couldn't be sure that another group of bandits hadn't reached the house while they were away.

Zimo knelt down under the tree cover exhausted. The adrenaline had faded and fear was setting in. Chang Shaoqing looked over at Zimo. He wanted to say something to comfort him, but didn't know what to say.

If this was the army, he would tell Zimo to roughing up. Death, whether is was killing or buying killed was a part of being a soldier. This wouldn't work for Zimo. He wasn't a soldier, he was a normal villager.

Fighting those bandits as long and as well as he did was really impressive, but looking at Zimo now. Chang Shaoqing was reminded of the thin man sitting on the couch wrapped up in a quilt suffering from a fever.


The sound of howling was heard from forest. Chu sitting next to Zimo howled back in response excitedly. Zimo looked up in the direction Chu was looking in and from the forest LongWei emerged.

Locking eyes, LongWei ran over to Zimo in a panic. He looked Zimo who was curled up in the ground under a tree, covered in dirt and pale.

"Baby! Baby, what happened? Are you hurt?" LongWei asked as he knelt down next to Zimo.

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