Chapter 103: Ring

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Once Zimo and LongWei were done at the restaurant they decided to take their earnings and shop. They didn't need much, but just a few odds and ends.

They walked through the morning market looking at all the things available. When Zimo suddenly passed by a stand selling jewelry. The stand mostly sold hairpins for woman made of silver or finely crafted wood.

Amongst the hairpins and bracelets, Zimo saw a silver ring. The design was simple, the only detail was a small flower etched on the surface. Zimo stared at the ring for a long time.

"Baby, do you like the ring? If you want we can buy it." LongWei said noticing Zimo's fixation.

"Ah, no. I was just thinking we don't have rings." Zimo said without much thought.

"Is there a reason we should have rings?" LongWei asked confused.

"I suppose it isn't important here. Just, where I'm from couples wear a pair of matching rings when they get married. It's a symbol of their love and promise to be together forever." Zimo explained.

Listening to Zimo, LongWei certainly liked the idea. "I have no interest in jewelry. Even so, wearing a pair of rings with such a meaning with my little birdie sounds nice. The problem is that their is only the one ring here." LongWei thought as he looked at the ring.

While LongWei considered the problem Zimo moved to the next stall selling umbrellas. The designs were beautiful. He imagined using it when he rained next or in the snow.

The morning continued in this slow manner. Finally they went towards the shopping district with the more permanent stores.their first stop was the grain store. Zimo decided to buy more sugar and salt. He used a surprisingly large amount of both.

He also saw a large amount of dry soybeans. "Dear, there are soybeans." He pointed out excited. He knew soybeans were available in this world but hadn't seen such a large quantity.

"Dear, do you like them?" LongWei asked. The soybean wasn't the most popular item. It was used more as feed for animals. People would also eat them when fresh, but not much after they are dried.

"Mm, they can be used to make tofu, miso or soy sauce. It's delicious. Zimo said as he imagined the possibilities.

Listening to Zimo, LongWei turned to the shopkeeper and purchased several cattle of soybeans.

As they continued to walk, LongWei saw a jewelry store. These stores had craftsmen to make jewelry for those with a lot of money. LongWei thought about their funds.

They had sold the two roe deer, Zimo's recipes, the jar of fish sauce, and Sichuan peppers for a decent amount. Despite spending a lot on sugar and salt at the store earlier they should have enough to by a pair of rings. If not, it wouldn't hurt to get an idea on the price.

Reaching a decision LongWei pulled Zimo into the jewelry store.

"Dear, why are we going in here?" Zimo asked confused.

"Welcome, how may we help you?" An elderly salesman asked when LongWei and Zimo entered.

"Excuse us, we are hoping to purchase matching rings. One for each of us." LongWei said in a calm tone.

"We have many rings from the simple silver, to the more precious jade." The salesman asked as he directed LongWei to the counter on the left side of the store.

"Dear, you aren't planning on buying a ring because of what I said earlier, are you?" Zimo asked.

LongWei nodded as he examined the rings on display. Spotting a thin band with a simple bird engraved on the side LongWei's eyes lit up.

"This one." He said directing the salesman's attention to the ring.

"Dear, spending money on something like this isn't worth it." Zimo urged.

"It's important. You said where you are from wearing a pair of rings means we are married, love one another, and will spend are lives together. This is very important. Zimo, baby, will you wear a ring together with me?" LongWei asked seriously.

Hearing LongWei's words Zimo's eyes turned red. "Just now, it felt like LongWei proposed. Although we are already married. It's nice." Zimo thought.

"Okay." Zimo said as he smiled, showing his adorable little dimples.

LongWei turned back and picked the ring out of the salesman's hand.

"Try and see if it fits." He said grabbing Zimo's right hand.

"Ah, no. It's supposed to go on the left hand and this finger." Zimo said indicating the left ring finger.

LongWei nodded and slipped the ring on his finger. It was a perfect fit.

"Excuse but how much is this ring?" LongWei asked.

"That would be thirty-five silver." The price was expensive, but they could afford it.

"Baby, can you pick one for me?" LongWei asked full of anticipation.

Zimo looked at the rings. LongWei's fingers were much thicker than his. He looked at the larger ones. These were a mix of styles from the extravagant to simple.

The one that caught Zimo's eye was a simple silver band similar to the ring LongWei chose. However unlike his, the engraving wasn't a bird but a bear.

"Cui Tengfei said LongWei's nickname in the army was bear. He's also a beast at night. Hehe. It suits him." Zimo thought as he pointed to the bear ring. The salesman passed the ring to Zimo.

"Can I have your hand?" Zimo whispered, his ears turning red.

LongWei gave him his left hand observing Zimo's every move. The ring fit perfectly, like a miracle.

Without pause LongWei quickly asked,"How much is it for both rings?"

The salesman looked over and quoted. "The smaller ring is thirty-five, the larger one is forty-five for a total of eighty silver."

"We are buying to rings at once, can you lower the price a little, how about seventy for both?" LongWei asked. They only had seventy-eight silver.

"Sir, our craftsman work tirelessly making each piece. I cannot lower the price." He said.

"I understand they put a lot of work into each piece, but it's not everyday people come to purchase jewelry. Certainly not rings. My offer is seventy-five." LongWei was determined to negotiate the price within their budget.

"It's far too low. Seventy-eight and not one coin less." The salesperson finally stated.

Hearing the number that he could afford LongWei quickly agreed.

"Thank you for your consideration." He said as he took out his purse and poured out the seventy-eight silver and a few cooper. Putting the copper back into the bag the salesperson counted the full seventy-eight before nodding.

After payment, LongWei pulled the shocked Zimo out of the shop.

"Dear, that was too much. Do we even have any money left?" Zimo asked troubled.

"It's fine. The price was a little expensive, but I believe it's worth it. Now let's hurry home." LongWei said as he rubbed the ring on Zimo's finger. His eyes drowning in tenderness.


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