Chapter 110: Mob

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Leaving Han Fengge, Zimo and LongWei made their way back up the mountain.

Everything was quiet when the wolf pup Chen who was running ahead stopped and took a defensive pose.

LongWei took notice and looked around trying to see what might be the problem. After a few seconds he noticed a group of men moving towards them.

Zimo turned to LongWei planning to ask him what was happening, but stopped when he saw one of the men draw a bow and arrow.

An image of the bandits flashed through his mind. Without a second thought Zimo moved forward to protect his little Chen.

LongWei also reacted quickly and moved between the wolf and the group of men. With a menacing look he asked, "What do you think your doing?"

"Get out of the way, those are wolves." The tallest man with a clean appearance said. The man stood at the forefront of the group looking like some sort of leader.

"These wolves belong to us. Put your weapons away and go about your day." LongWei stated.

"Pft. Are you trying to say your keeping wild, dangerous wolves as pets?" A man with a disheveled hair and scruffy beard said in disbelief.

"Do you have a problem with our choice of pets?" LongWei asked sarcastically as he crossed his arms staring at the group.

"It's unsafe. Those wolves may seem like dogs now, but once they grow they will cause nothing but havoc." The leader of the group reasoned.

"My wolves are well behaved you don't need to worry about them harming innocent people." LongWei said stressing the word innocent.

"Liar, they already hurt my wife and mother this morning!" Another man shouted from behind. He was a heavier set young man with a clean demeanour.

"Harmed your wife and mother? Impossible, they have not left my husband's side since leaving the house." LongWei responded anger filling his eyes.

"Are you saying my wife and mother lied? I can prove it. My mother is currently laying in bed delirious from the incident." The man continued.

LongWei looked at the men suspiciously. He couldn't understand what their goal was.

"My wife was also scared and ran home in tears after coming across your vicious pets." Another man shouted.

After hearing the seconds man's words, LongWei realized the problem.

"Your mother and wife, did they come out with two other women?" LongWei asked.

"That's right. So you admit seeing them and you dare deny your rabid wolves harming our women." The leader pointed out feeling a sense of righteousness.

"I remember the group. They saw our wolves from afar and immediately started screaming and running like madmen." LongWei ridiculed.

"What did you say?! That's my mother and wife your insulting." The younger man shouted his face turning red in anger.

"Insult? I'm simply stating a fact. Your wife and mother were the worst of the four. Falling to the ground and shrieking for help. It's was embarrassing." LongWei continued.

He didn't care much for the wolves, but Zimo loved them and he had to admit they treated Zimo well. There was no way he would allow anyone to harm them.

"You a strong brave wild man and hunter may find wolves laughable, but for weak village women such creatures are terrifying." The leader tried mediate the situation.

"I'm not denying wolves are frightening. My problem is with your women reacting in such a way after seeing my wolf pups. They are barely the size of a medium dog. Unless your familiar with wolves, people won't recognize them. It makes me wonder if your women would not react the same way if our wolves were actually dogs." LongWei stated.

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