Chapter 73: Wound (nsfw)

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Over the next few days, Zimo was very obedient. He ate whatever LongWei prepared no matter how bland it tasted and drank his medicine without complaint.

LongWei didn't know whether to be happy or sad about it. It was naturally good for his health that he listened, but he also didn't like to see Zimo suppressing himself because of guilt.

"Baby, how are you feeling today? You're fever seems to be gone." LongWei said as he felt Zimo's forehead.

Zimo nodded as he stared at the bandage on LongWei's hand. Noticing Zimo's gaze, LongWei had an aching suspicion that Zimo might not be his little willful self again until his wounds healed.

"Baby, stop worrying about it. It's not the first time you've hurt me, and it certainly won't be the last." LongWei said as he smiled at Zimo.

"What do you mean it isn't the first time?I have never hurt you before." Zimo said in denial.

"Oh, my shoulders, arms, and back are often covered in scratches from you." LongWei said as a chuckle reverberated though his chest.

"When did I scratch you?" Zimo still didn't believe LongWei's words.

LongWei smiled as he leaned in close to Zimo's ears and whispered in his deep sensual voice.

"As you moan in pleasure while I thrust deep inside you, you have a nasty habit of digging your little claws into my bac..."

"Stop! You... you beast. How can you say that so suddenly." Zimo rudely interrupted LongWei's description, his face turning crimson.

LongWei looked at Zimo laughing, "Baby, why are you embarrassed. There's no one else hear but me."

"How can I not be embarrassed. Your not supposed to talk about those things aloud." Zimo rebuked.

"I don't see what the problem is. We are married and we've obviously done far worse than just talk about doing that. Besides I would like to hear your opinions more.
The only time you say anything is when you chastise me the next day because of your waist, or by calling me a beast. I would much rather hear about what you enjoyed." LongWei lectured Zimo.

Zimo was at a loss for words. After some time past he finally muttered.

"I don't know how to say those things." After speaking he quickly looked away avoiding LongWei's gaze.

"Then, I'll ask and you can tell me if you like it or not." LongWei said, obviously not willing to drop the topic.

Zimo did not wish to participate in this type of shameful questioning. However before he could reject him, LongWei had already asked the first question.

"Do you like it when I kiss your lips?" LongWei asked as he placed the tip of his finger on Zimo's pale lips.

Zimo hesitated before nodding.

"Do you like it when I nibble on your ears?" He asked, slowly moving his fingers to Zimo's earlobe.

Feeling the ticklish touch Zimo instinctively moved his head. Followed by a slight nod.

"Do you like it when I lick the back of your neck?" LongWei said as he delicately moved his fingers across the back of his neck.

The more LongWei touched Zimo the redder his face became and he foggier his mind. They hadn't done it for half a month. Being touch in such a seductive manner and hearing LongWei's low magnetic voice by his ear made Zimo's body crave for more.

"Do you like it when I suck on those cute little pink nubs on your chest until the become erect." LongWei continued slowly removing Zimo's robe.

"Dear, I..." Zimo looked at LongWei with longing.

"What is it baby? Tell me what you want and I'll do it. I'll do anything for you.

"I... I want you to kiss me." Zimo said as he parted his lips in anticipation. LongWei leaned in and obediently kissed Zimo with a deep passionate kiss leaving Zimo feeling breathless.

"Ha...ha...Do you like it when I use my hands or do you prefer my mouth?" LongWei asked as he rubbed against Zimo's erect member.

"I... I don't know?" Zimo breathlessly said feeling shy.

"Baby, if you don't tell meI won't know what to do next?" LongWei teased.

After time passed without LongWei showing signs of helping him relieve the heat. Zimo gave in and said with a whimper.


Hearing Zimo's confession, LongWei wasted no time and proceeded to care for Zimo.

He started out slow, gliding his tongue across the hot pulsing surface. Before teasing the tip with his tongue. As Zimo swayed his hips beneath him, LongWei tenderly kissed the shaft before proceeding to devour the member. As the lewd sounds reverberated in the quiet room, Zimo moaned.

"Co...coming! He said before finally releasing. LongWei did not waste a single drop of his little birdie's nectar.

"Baby, do you want to know what makes me happy?" LongWei asked as he moved his large strong palm around Zimo's round bottom.

"I like coming deep inside here." He whispered in a deep voice full of lust and beastly desire as he began to massage Zimo from deep inside.

Zimo groaned at the feeling of being invaded,, but soon his groans turned to moans.

"Baby, do you like it when I go fast?" He said thrusting his fingers in and out quickly. "Or do you prefer slow and deep?" He continued as he pushed deeper inside directly rubbing against Zimo's prostate sending chills down his spine.

"Baby, I need an answer." LongWei said as he pulled his fingers out. Zimo was already yearning for release and on the verge of climax.

Zimo looked at LongWei with tears in his eyes. He slowly shifted his body closer to LongWei in an attempt to find release, but too ashamed to say it aloud.

"Baby, if you don't tell me I won't know what you want." LongWei teased as he pressed Zimo's legs up exposing clearly exposing every inch of Zimo's lustful lower half.

"I don't know. Dear, I don't know." Zimo said with Anatoly and coquettish voice.

"Hm. Then we'll just have to try both until you make a decision. LongWei said as he thrust him deep inside Zimo stimulating his prostate.

Feeling LongWei Zimo arched his back and moaned without restraint. LongWei continued to move his strong and powerful hips intoxicated by Zimo's voice and trembling body. LongWei pulled Zimo closer.

Whispering in his ear. "Hold tight baby." Before Zimo could react the the room spun and Zimo found himself straddling LongWei while still connected to his big hot member.

Zimo quickly grasped LongWei shoulders and whimpered. "Dear, it feels strange."

"Does it hurt or feel good?" LongWei asked as he supported Zimo's butt in his strong grip.

"I don't know." Zimo muttered unable to keep his mind clear as it filled with pleasure.
LongWei then started to move Zimo on top of him. At first it was slow but shallow. Zimo leaned his head on LongWei's shoulder gasping every time LongWei lowered him.

"Baby, I'm going to start moving." He said as he raised his hips to meet Zimo's butt giving off a lewd smack.

"Hyahh!" Zimo screamed as he arched his back.LongWei had accurately hit his most sensitive spot.

"Baby, did it feel good? Do you like it?" LongWei asked as he prepared to thrust deep inside again.

"Baby, tell me or I'll stop here." LongWei said his brow covered in sweat. He clearly didn't want to stop feeling close to coming himself.

"I... I like it." Zimo uttered as a large tear escaped his watery eyes.

Hearing Zimo's confirmation, LongWei began to thrust faster, harder, and deeper driving both of them to climax in a moment of pure ecstasy.


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