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The next day they headed down the mountain. Despite leaving early in the morning, the wouldn't reach old man Li's place until late in the afternoon. They would prefer not to have to rely on the old couple,  but they didn't necessarily have anywhere else they could stay.

The trip down wasn't very eventful. They saw some birds and rabbits which LongWei would sometimes catch to sell, and discuss there plans.

"We will suspend the day at old man Li's place and go to the early morning market tomorrow. After selling the meat we can buy some seeds from the general store then go back to the village and buy vegetables from the villagers."LongWei said.

"Is it better to buy from the villagers tan the market?" Zimo asked.

"Hm. The villagers will be happy to sell them for a little cheaper directly from their fields, we can also ask a round for any plants they don't mind of taking with us to transplant."

"Is that why you brought so many bamboo baskets? Is it so we can use them to carry the plants for transplanting?" Zimo, was very interested in LongWei's plans. Having more plants and variety of vegetables to eat would expand their menu by a lot.

"Dear, will old man Li and Mrs Li be okay with us staying with them?" Zimo knew the old couple were very nice, but he felt a little uneasy relying on them this way.

"Hm. I understand your concern, but we don't have money to stay at an inn. The Li's are kind, they might even get a little angry if they find out we spent money to stay at an inn when we could stay at their home." LongWei reassured him. He also didn't like having to rely on the old couples kindness, but times were not easy at the moment.

Until he fully recovered and saved some money, he couldn't risk meeting the Yuan family. When he did he would need to convince them to separate the family. The best way to do this is to threaten to beat them, inform the government of QianFei's attempt at raping his wife Zimo, and give them money. If he could do all three things well, Father Yuan would have no choice but to agree.

LongWei had the confidence to beat the Yuan's in a fight, but not while protecting Zimo by his side, he needed an overwhelming amount of strength like he had before the accident. As for money, he should be able to make enough if he hunted diligently over the next few months.

When Zimo and LongWei reached the bottom of the mountain and entered the flatter terrain, LongWei let Zimo drive the cart again. Zimo gladly took over.

Roughly half an hour from the old man Li's house zimo started to feel dizzy and nauseous. The sun was much hotter than in the mountains and sitting on the cart they had no shade cover.

Zimo didn't feel well, but he also didn't want to worry LongWei, he had just recovered from his stomachache. If he became sick again, how terrible would that be. Contrary to Zimo's thoughts, it wasn't long before LongWei noticed his discomfort.

"Zimo? What's wrong, do you feel uncomfortable." LongWei asked feeling his forehead.

Shocked Zimo looked at LongWei with big eyes. "How did he find out so quickly?!" He thought.

"Zimo, tell me now." LongWei said with a cold stern face.

"It's nothing serious." Zimo lowered his head feeling guilty.

"Zimo." LongWei repeated as he raised Zimo's chin to look at him.

"I feel a little dizzy and my stomach is uncomfortable. I think it a because of the sun." Zimo quietly said.

"Tch... It's my fault, I should have noticed sooner. Let's take a break in the shade." LongWei said as he took the reins and moved towards an area with trees.

"Eh, but there is less than an hour before we reach the Li's house, wouldn't it be better to push forward and rest there?" Zimo asked.

"Don't underestimate the affects of being in the sun. You need to cool down and wait for the sun to lower in the sky." LongWei warned not willing to compromise handing Zimo some water to drink.

Zimo sat down quietly drinking water, while LongWei took a bucket and went to the river to get some more. He used the water to wet his handkerchief and had Zimo rest his head on his strong thighs. It wasn't the most comfortable position physically, but it was emotionally.

"Wah! It's the famous lap pillow." Zimo thought as he lay there.

LongWei placed the cool wet handkerchief over eyes eyes and forward. "Sleep a little, you will feel better soon." LongWei said.

Zimo didn't feel very tired, but before he knew it he early fell asleep. When he finally woke up the sun had already started to set. LongWei checked his forehead again and asked,

"How do you feel? Are you still dizzy?"

"No, I'm okay now. Sorry." Zimo said, embarrassed he had slept for so long.

The two decided to quickly go to old man Li's house.


Living on a Mountain with my HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now