Chapter 108: Games

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After their afternoon nap, Zimo woke up in a great mood, completely forgetting about what they had talked about before.

They had finished all the chores and had tome before dinner, so Zimo decided to teach LongWei how to play Othello.

"The game is really simple. We each get a color and take turns placing them on the board. Now the goal is too have more token of your color than the other person." Zimo explained as they sat at the table to play.

"How do I get more in my color?" LongWei asked.

"You need to trap my color from both sides. If you do, my tokens change to yours. The same applies to me, I can trap your tokens and change them into my own." Zimo demonstrated on the board.

Watching Zimo demonstrate the game as he essentially played a game against himself LongWei quickly understood the just of it.

"Do you feel ready to try?" Zimo asked a little excited.

LongWei nodded and placed his black piece first. As each iced was laid LongWei got better and better. Despite this, he still lost by quite a few pieces.

"The game is simple, but still requires a great deal of strategy." LongWei mused s he stared at the board. They had already played five rounds and LongWei had yet to win any.

Zimo laughed with a bright smile, showing off his cute dimples. "Sometimes the simplest games are the funnest and also the hardest." Zimo said as he placed another piece down trapping five of LongWei's in two separate directions. This one move instantly turned the board half brown matching Zimo's color.

LongWei proved to be a rather sore loser. Every time he lost he asked for one more round. Until suddenly a rather embarrassing sound rang out in the room.


Zimo's face instantly turned red. LongWei looked up at at Zimo surprised by what he had just heard.

"Baby, was that you?" LongWei asked.


LongWei looked out the window only to realize the sun was already hanging low in the sky. They had played the entire afternoon and missed their usual dinner time.

"I'll go make dinner now. Is their anything you want to eat?" LongWei asked. He felt guilty for losing track of time and starving his little birdie.

"Nothing comes to mind, but maybe something simple and quick." Zimo muttered, still embarrassed by his stomach loud growling.

"Okay baby, how about some scallion pancakes with some shredded sweet and spicy pork?" LongWei asked.

"Listen to you." Zimo said as he went to the cellar to get the ingredients for LongWei and something for the animals to eat. If he was hungry the wolves and little Bay must also be starving.

The family of six all ate until stuffed again. This time however Zimo did not joke about his stomach and LongWei also didn't comment. He did however sit next to him on the couch and help massage his stomach carefully and silently to help with digestion.

"Tomorrow we need to bring the Sichuan peppers for Han Fengge." Zimo said.

"Hm. We can take the quicker path and be back by the afternoon at the latest." LongWei continued.

"Do you think Han a Fengge and the Yan brothers decided to work together?" Zimo asked. He wanted to help them, but he also wasn't that confident in his suggestion.

He had never studied business in his last life. He suggested they join hands because he had seen similar things in his old world, but the actual details behind it were a mystery. Sometimes what seems simple on the outside might involve a lot of complicated details or problems inside.

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