Chapter 147: Compromise

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Halfway up the mountain Zimo's face turned green. He had finished the whole bag of candied fruit and was about to vomit it all back up again.

Seeing the change in Zimo's colour. LongWei stopped the cart. "Zimo, are you..."

Before LongWei could even finish asking Zimo leaned over the side and began vomiting. As expected, he won the bet. However it was a bittersweet victory knowing Zimo was suffering.

He rubbed his back to comfort him as Zimo completely emptied out the contents of his stomach on the ground.

"Damn that's nasty. Try to warn a person before you puke your guts out." Xu Qingsheng complained before jogging ahead.

Unlike Xu Qingsheng and Yi Lei who ran ahead the others seemed at least a little concerned.

"Is Zimo okay?" Chang Shaoqing asked. The others also listening curious of the answers.

LongWei said without sparring a thought for Zimo's feelings. "He gorged him selves on candied fruit. Now, as expected he has a stomach ache."

"It's not just the candied fruit... ridding the cart with all its shaking and the medicine I drank at the doctors are also at fault." Zimo said, unwilling to admit that like a child he got a stomach ache from eating to many sweets.

However, no one seemed convinced decisively moving forward like the other two had done.

With only LongWei and Zimo left behind Zimo was feeling awkward. "Wha...what's your request?" He asked nervously.

"Don't worry. I won't make any requests now while your feeling sick. I can wait." LongWei said mysteriously with no intention of telling Zimo what it was.

"Dear, don't forget if you don't make a request within a month it becomes invalid." Zimo stressed.

"Don't worry. I'll tell you with plenty of time to spare." LongWei assured. Zimo glared at LongWei suspicious of his intentions. He was having a hard time guessing what LongWei's request might be.

"The usual is not available because of my injury, so what else could he want?" Zimo wondered, before promptly bending over again to vomit as another wave of nausea hit.

Because Zimo was still very nauseous LongWei made the decision to gingerly carry Zimo the rest of the way on his back while Kong Huizhong drove the cart.

When they reached the house they found Tan Yan outside trying to climb up on the house roof.

"Tan Yan! What in the world are you doing up there?" Xu Qingsheng asked perplexed by the situation. However before he could answer little Bay's head popped up from up on the roof with a screech.

Unlike a fully grown tiger, Bay's roars still sounded like a juvenile and were more high pitch and to be honest funny sounding than intimidating.

Hearing the sound Zimo looked up. "Little Bay what are you doing up the?" He asked. Bay a tiger is considered a big cat. So it can be assumed that just like normal household cats he loves high places. Even so, the highest place he had managed to go so far was the wall surrounding the yard.

Worried Zimo sacked LongWei's arm. "Dear, what are we going to do?" He said panicking.

"Do? We aren't going to do anything. If it can get up there, it can come down." LongWei said not concerned one bit.

"How can you say that? Just listen to him he is clearly scared." Zimo said pointing at the pitiful Bay perched in the roof crying out.

LongWei took a look and with a straight face turned away again. "It's fine. It isn't injured, just stupid. Give it a little time and it will figure it's own way down." LongWei said not intending to help the little tiger.

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