Extra 2: The End of the Yuan Family

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"Damn it, why did LongWei have to wake up. He should have just rotted away in bed until he died." QianFei cursed as he wandered the streets.

He hadn't been able to grab anything before leaving and definitely couldn't go back. With no way to return without risking a beating maybe even death at the hands of his younger brother LongWei, QianFei decided to head over to his old friends place.


"Hey, mind if I stick around for awhile?" QianFei asked as he walked through the door.

Ahh! Yes... faster..

From the opposite room came the sound of men and women indulging in sin. This place wasn't somewhere good law abiding citizens should go. It wasn't even a high class brothel. Instead is was a cheap, dirty, house of filth. A place where men wasted their meaner wages on gambling and lust.

"Yuan QianFei, back so soon? Didn't you mention having some fresh entertainment at home? Hahaha!" The dirtiest man in the group said.

"Tch. My damn brother f** woke up. I need to hide out until things settle." QianFei said as he sat down at the table.

"That ain't going to be easy. The boss man's been preparing for his little girls dowry." The dirty man said shaking his head.

"So?" QianFei asked confused.

"So, he's looking around to gather all those outstanding debts people owe him. Don't y'a owe him a pretty hefty sum?" The dirty man hinted.

"Shit, what am I supposed to do then? If I go home now my brother will kill me, and if I stay here the boss will." QianFei lamented.

"If your looking to disappear for a bit I heard of a merchant looking for men to protect his caravan. You look pretty strong, so it should be easy to get the job." Another man said from the opposite side of the table.

QianFei didn't want to follow a caravan, but what other choice did he have.


"Finally, I'm back. That LongWei there's no way he's still with that bride of his. I bet he isn't even in town now after three years." QianFei said as he headed towards Jianggu village. He had spent three years travelling with the caravan from town to town.

During this time, things weren't that easy. At first, he struggled with the work, but made up for it with fine new men and women he met along the way. Being part of a travelling caravan he was in town just long enough to have fun, but not enough to get caught. Leaving behind a trail of crimes.

But around half a year ago the authorities started to investigate. Tracing the crimes to the caravan he had to make a break for it. Taking his wages he made his way back home.


"What's that smell?" He thought as he walked down the street. It was a pungent, yet drool inducing smell. Walking up to a stall he asked.

"Hey, what's that smell?" QianFei asked the owner of the stall.

"What, this? You must be from out of town. This is our town's specialty Sichuan peppers. They are spicy and delicious." The man gladly introduced to QianFei showing off his bbq chicken skewers.

QianFei was a little confused, he had only been gone three years yet the town now had a specialty food. "What's going on?" He thought as he continued on his way.

"Huh? Sense when did we have such a big restaurant in town? QianFei wondered as he passed a bustling restaurant.

"Come now, and try out or newest recipe "braised pork in soybean paste". It's tender meat pairs well with the salty soybean paste. You won't get to taste anything this great anywhere else!" The man yelled from the restaurant corner attracting guests from all directions.

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