Extra 1: The Request (NSFW)

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Zimo sat on the couch anxiously. It had been two weeks since he and LongWei had made that bet coming back from town and LongWei still hadn't told him what his request was.

"What could it be? He knows he only has one month to use it or it's void. What could it be?" Zimo mused. He didn't like this looming debt hanging over his head.

"Enough, I'll just ask him directly!" Zimo concluded as he sprung up from the couch and headed to the stables where LongWei was currently working. Since Zimo broke his arm, LongWei insisted on cleaning the stables himself.

"Dear! What's your request?" Zimo said no demanded the moment he stepped through the stable doors.

LongWei wasn't that shocked by Zimo's sudden behaviour. He had noticed how restless he was feeling from the mysterious request. In fact, he enjoyed seeing it and purposefully dragged his feet.

"Do you really want to know? Once I tell you, you might regret it." LongWei said mysteriously with a hint of mischievousness.

Listening to LongWei's tone, Zimo instinctively flinched. "O...of course. Hurry up and tell me so I can do it." Zimo said stuttering.

LongWei looked out at the sky. It was still early in the morning and unless something happened the soldiers wouldn't be back until evening.

"Okay. Just don't regret it later." LongWei said as he put away the shovel and moved in on Zimo.

Zimo's instincts were screaming "Run!" But before he could LongWei picked him up and carried him directly to the bedroom.

"Wait, no we can't. What if the others return? I... I'm also injured." Zimo said as LongWei striped his clothes off.

"Baby, you lost the bet and need to fulfill one request." LongWei said as he started untying his own belt.

"I didn't think you would ask for this?" Zimo honestly admitted.

"Baby, what else could I ask for. You're the only thing is this world I truly desire." LongWei said in the most straightforward an sincere way possible.

Hearing LongWei's confession, Zimo could no longer reject LongWei's request. "Be... be gentle." Zimo muttered shy his face glowing bright red and heart filled with warmth.


"Ah...ha...no, can't it's... it's going too deep!" Zimo struggled to say between gasps.

To avoid hitting or putting pressure on Zimo's arm LongWay decided to enter from a standing position. With Zimo firmly held up in his strong arms LongWei moved him up and down.

However when he went down, Zimo's weight worked to press up closer to LongWei's strong hips pushing him deep inside.

"Baby, just a little more... mm... a little more." LongWei whispered as he sped up.

The feeling of LongWei's thick shaft growing hotter inside as he squeezed Zimo tender buttocks brought Zimo to the cusp.

Zimo could only wrap his good arm around LongWei's neck in an attempt to steady himself. Mind going blank as he was consumed by the feeling of being penetrated deep.

Ahh! / Ugh!


Zimo lay on the bed breathing heavily, his voice dry.

"Dear?" Zimo asked feeling LongWei get up next to him.

"Get some rest. I'm going to go prepare some water." LongWei whispered as he kissed the sweaty Zimo's forehead.

"Ugh? Clean up, is he really done?" Zimo questioned.

Usually Zimo would quickly fall asleep after a few rounds, but LongWei hadn't been as persistent as usually. He had actually stopped faster only two, leaving Zimo with some energy to spare.

"Wait!" Zimo spoke before his mind could catch up.

"Hm? What is it baby? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" LongWei asked. The beastly appearance from earlier, now back to that of his usual caring husband.

"No, just... is that all?" Zimo muttered.

However hearing Zimo's words LongWei gave a dubious half smile. "Is that all? Baby, are you maybe unsatisfied."

A chill ran down Zimo's spine. "No, that's not what I meant. I just... I was just wondering if your okay, you know when men get older or are feeling overworked they can be less active in the bedroom, sometimes even impotent..." Zimo began rambling in an attempt to cover up his mistake.

Instead he dug a deep pit for himself.

"Impotent?" LongWei repeated clearly not pleased by the word. He leaned over Zimo his strong arms on either side as he looked over the thin naked Zimo. "I'll let you see just how IMPOTENT  I am."


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