Chapter 53: Silence

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Zimo had completely lost his hearing after waking up from his two day fever. LongWei was panicking, but Zimo was strangely calm.

Being deaf was frightening, but with LongWei by his side, he felt a sense of security, like everything would be alright. LongWei on the other hand was very worried. "Is it permanent? Will my baby never hear again. The little birdie loves listening to the birds sing and the insects hum. I need to take him to see the doctor."

"Baby, we need to go down the mountain and see the doctor." LongWei said. Zimo stared at him, eyes squinted trying to read LongWei's lips. He had gotten used to it with his poor hearing previously, but it was still difficult. He understood mountain and baby, but nothing else.

LongWei noticed Zimo's confusion.he started using hand gesture to convey his meaning to Zimo. After a mini game of charades Zimo aid in his new strange tone and intonation. "We are going to see the doctor?"

LongWei nodded to say yes.

"Are we taking the mule?" He asked.

"No." LongWei as he shook his head.

"The wolves, can they come too?" Zimo asked. They were only a month old, he couldn't leave them here alone.

LongWei wanted to immediately reject, but knew Zimo cared about the little wolf pups.

"Okay." He said once again nodding his head.

Seeing LongWei's approval, Zimo smiled. "Thank you, dear."

Zimo was still weak from the fever. Before leaving for the doctor. LongWei made him some possible and the nourishing medicine. Unlike usual Zimo didn't fight LongWei when it came to drinking the medicine. He knew LongWei was worried and tired. Zimo didn't want to make things harder.

After eating, Zimo tried to get LongWei to lay down and sleep. It was obvious he had barely slept since he'd gotten sick.

"Baby, I can sleep after we go see the doctor. I'm okay." LongWei tried to explain.

"No. I'm sick. If you don't sleep and get sick, what will I do?" Zimo gave a convincing argument and LongWei finally lay down. He didn't think he would be able to sleep, but the moment his head hit the pillow he fell asleep.

He woke up at noon with Zimo in his arms and the wolf pups cuddled up on the bed.

Zimo felt LongWei move and quickly opened his eyes.

"Dear, are you feeling better?" Zimo asked. He looked at LongWei's complexion which was no longer pale and the dark circles under his eyes had faded a lot.

LongWei nodded, and placed his palm on Zimo's forehead.

"I'm okay dear."


Since waking up, aside from the hearing loss, Zimo had developed a slight cough and dry throat.

Getting out of bed, LongWei passed Zimo a cup of water.

"Thank you, dear."

Zimo couldn't hear, but he still wanted to talk. He felt LongWei was more anxious when he didn't.

LongWei prepared to leave. Carried a smaller bamboo basket oven his chest and pup the wolf pups inside, and Zimo on his back. It was July, and the weather was hot but LongWei was worried Zimo might feel cold in the mountain breeze so he gave him a jacket to wear and a sun hat.

Zimo held tight around LongWei's broad shoulders as they made their way down the mountain. Zimo had never gone this route before. Whenever he went down the mountain they always took the old mule and had to follow the river. This time LongWei took the shorter route leading to Jianggu Village.

As they walked Zimo decided to hum a tune. He couldn't hear it himself, but he could feel that as he hummed LongWei's tense muscle relaxed a little.

Reaching the bottom of the hill they started seeing some villagers. Zimo couldn't recognize any of them, but they recognized LongWei. Some turned to approach LongWei to speak, but when they saw his expression, they simply waved and walked away.

It wasn't long before news of LongWei's arrival in the village reached the Yuan family. However before anyone could catch LongWei, he had already boarded an ox cart headed into town.


Finally reaching town, LongWei went directly to the doctor. At the doctor's LongWei was surprised to see a long line of people coughing and sneezing. It would seem Zimo wasn't the only person who got sick during the summer storm two days ago.

"Dear, put me down. I can stand and we can wait together." Zimo said tapping LongWei on the shoulder. However LongWei simply shook his head.

Finally it was Zimo and LongWei's turn. The doctor took one look at the coughing Zimo and knew why they had come.

"Did Zhang Zimo catch a cold during the storm two days ago?" The doctor asked holding his hand out to feel Zimo's pulse.

"He got caught in the rain and had a high fever. I gave him the fever medicine, and it finally went down yesterday afternoon." LongWei explained.

"That's good. Having a fever for too long can be very taxing on the body."

"Doctor he woke up last night, but now he can't hear." LongWei said.

"Can't hear? Come let me check his pulse." The doctor would have a better understanding of Zimo's condition after reading his pulse.

As he felt Zimo's pulse the doctor's face relaxed.

"Don't worry. The hearing lose is caused by Zimo's cold. His ears are more sensitive than most, the cold has caused his ears to be congested. With medicine he should recover his hearing within a week or two at most." The doctor said smiling.

Hearing the doctor's diagnosis, LongWei let out a long sigh. It felt like he could finally breath again. Zimo didn't understand what was being said, but seeing the doctor smile and LongWei relax he knew it was good news.

"Dear, don't worry. Doctor can you check LongWei. He worked hard and didn't sleep much. Cough... cough... I'm worried he might also get sick." Zimo said as he patted LongWei's hand wrapped around his waist.

"Okay." The doctor said with a chuckle. He held out his hand waiting for LongWei to pass him his wrist. LongWei didn't want to, but looking at Zimo's big eyes, that were still a little red from the cold, he surrendered and gave his wrist to the doctor.

Unlike with Zimo the doctor quickly let go. "Yuan LongWei, you are strong and healthy, but Zhang Zimo is right to worry. Take some nourishing medicine for the next few days. It will help boost your immunity and give you energy." He said.

Zimo didn't hear anything but he recognize some of the words said. The doctor spoke slowly and clearly so it was easier to understand him.

"He said medicine. Dear listen to the doctor and take your medicine." Zimo said with a serious face.

LongWei couldn't help but laugh, "Since when did I not take my medicine? I don't try to avoid it like you little birdie." He thought as he tapped Zimo little red nose.


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