Chapter 129: Cooking

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Exhausted from dealing with the fire, old man Li, LongWei, and Zimo made their way to the village entrance to catch a cart going to Jianggu village.

The sun had already rising in the sky. They couldn't take time to rest or they wouldn't make it up the mountain before dark.

If LongWei wasn't injured they'd make it before noon. But with LongWei's injured leg, they couldn't predict how long it would take. So it was decided they would leave immediately after packing.

The packing itself normally wouldn't have taken long. This time they needed to wait for the doctor's apprentice to bring their medicine. Old man Li who did not expect to go original needed to  pack his own luggage for the trip.

Mrs Li insisted they eat before leaving. They also quickly manufactured crutches to ease the pressure on his LongWei's leg.

With so much to do, they didn't arrive at Jianggu village until the late morning.


Disembarking the mule cart they managed to catch headed to Jianggu village, the three men wasted no time and headed towards the mountain.

LongWei is a very tall, and heavy man. He had the crutches so he could support most of his weight using them. Even so, Zimo stayed closely by his side for added support. LongWei was also worried about his eerily calm little birdie and wanted him at stay as close as possible

Old man Li took the job of carrying the bulk of the luggage. LongWei and Zimo had brought a sled to carry most of their things, so he pulled it along. As a blacksmith Old man Li was also a very strong man despite his age.

They quickly passed through the village without any difficult. Climbing the mountain also proved to be okay.

"Zimo you head up first. I'll stay down here and help give longWei a push." Old man Li said. They had reached the three meter cliff and unlike going down, going up seemed more difficult.

"It won't be difficult. Zimo go ahead." LongWei said as well. He was too big for Zimo to help him up the cliff edge.

Zimo wanted to help support LongWei up the mountain, but gave up on the idea. The two of them were right. He was too thin and weak.

Zimo easily climbed up the cliff side. Then he and old man Li worked together to bring the sled up. Zimo pulled the rope and old man Li pushed it up.

Next was LongWei. His leg was injured but his strong arms proved themselves during the short climb. Without needed help from either old man Li or Zimo. He pulled himself up relying on arm strength and his one good leg.

"Wah! My husband is so strong." Zimo admired innerly as he watched his LongWei's muscles visibly bulge from beneath his clothes.

Once the passed the cliff the rest of the hike was easy.


They were roughly ten minutes away from the yard when suddenly a sound came from the side.

Everyone became vigilant. Lowering their posture and looking in the direction of the noise, old man Li pulled out LongWei's bow and arrow.


Three wolves and a small white tiger Burt's out of the tree line with a low bark. Wolves normally don't bark. They prefer to be quiet, and will only make sounds when facing an opponent or for communication.

Even so, Zimo had thought it would be interesting to teach the wolves how to greet him and LongWei when they met with a low bark. Similar to how someone would say hello, or welcome home.

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