Chapter 17: The Doctor

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Entering the medical shop, Zimo was hit with a strong medicinal smell. It wasn't pleasant, and Zimo could not help but grimace.

Witnessing Zimo's change of experience, LongWei gave a slight chuckle.

"Looks like my little birdy is sensitive to strong smells." He thought as he led Zimo over to where the doctor was located.

"Hello, may I help you?" The doctor said. He was an older man with one of those long white beards.the kind often depicted in TV shows back in Zimo's old world.

"Wow, so cool." Zimo thought to himself.

"Hello doctor, my name is Yuan LongWei. Doctor could you please look at my wife? His name is Zhang Zimo. He has suffered serial injuries over a long period of time and I would like to know what is needed to help him properly heal." LongWei said.

"Not a problem, let's first begin with checking your pulse. Young man please sit hear and give me your wrist."
Zimo did as he was told, fascinated by this old world medical practitioner.

As the doctor took Zimo's pulse his expression grew very dark. Watching the doctor feel Zimo's pulse for a long time without saying anything LongWei grew worried. Zimo on the other hand, had started to drifted off in his own mind imagining what the doctor might say, and the kind of medicine he might make to treat him.

He had never met a traditional Chinese doctor. However he was always interested in how they could diagnose someone listening to their pulse.

After a period of time, LongWei, and the Li couple started to feel worried. They had never seen a doctor take so long examining someone's pulse before. When the doctor finally moved his hand away from Zimo's wrist, the held their breathe waiting to hear what he would say next.

"Young man."


Zimo had not realized the doctor had begun to address him.

The doctor tried to gain Zimo's attention again by placing his hand gently on Zimo's shoulder.

"Young man?"

Finally noticing the doctor Zimo answered back,

"Young man, your pulse is very disconcerting. I have not felt anyone with so many unresolved problems. Could you help me by answering a few questions too help me?" The doctor solemnly asked.

Hearing the doctor speak every looked at Zimo with worry. "How can such an old doctor be surprised?" They all wondered.

"Thank you. My first question is regarding your ears. Young man can you hear me?" The doctor asked.

"Umm... I can but not much. My left ear is completely silent, but my right still works. I can't hear very well through it, but as long as I focus their are no problems." Zimo answered sincerely with a shy smile on his face.

LongWei turned to look at Zimo. His face had gone dark. How could he not know Zimo was almost completely deaf? He tried to remember back. They didn't speak much together, but he did remember Zimo always seemed to stand to his left when walking or sitting. "He must have done it so he could hear." He thought to himself, hating how he had not noticed it.

"I understand. This type of deafness, sadly cannot be cured with medicine it is something permanent. It may also worsen if you are not careful, from now one be careful of head injuries or loud noises.
My next question is about your diet. Have you not been eating well? If you could please tell me what you usually eat and how much."

"It's usually only rice porridge, with a lot of water. I don't remember how long I've eaten this, but it has probably been for a long time. LongWei has also eaten the same as me. Doctor after you examine me could you also look at him? He was in a coma for almost a month because of a head injury and during that time we ate the same things." Zimo took the opportunity to ask the doctor. he was very worried about LongWei.

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