Chapter 61: Money

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The next morning Zimo woke up at around nine in the morning.

"Mm... dear?" Zimo managed to call out despite his dry hoarse voice.

Hearing Zimo, LongWei quietly moved to his side with a cup of water.

"I'm here baby. How do you feel?" LongWei asked. He didn't expect Zimo to wake up so early.

Zimo took the cup and gulped it down in one shot. "Mmm. My back hurts." He said as he pinched LongWei's thick muscular thigh.

"Hahaha... sorry baby. Do you want a massage?" LongWei said as he moved his pals under the quilt grasping Zimo's hips and gently massaging them.

"Baby, do you feel better today? Last time you ran a fever and didn't wake up for half a day." LongWei questioned hoping Zimo was getting used to the act and would be less resistant to doing it again.

"Mmm, it hurts." Zimo said unwilling to give LongWei the satisfaction of a job well done.

"What about last night? You seemed to really enjoy it at the end?" LongWei continued.

"Don't do it from behind. It hurts." Zimo stated while he skillfully avoided complimenting LongWei and instead stabbed him where it hurt.

"Sorry baby. I'll be careful not to go too deep and hurt you next time. Don't be angry." LongWei said as he kissed the top of Zimo's head.

"Mmm..." Zimo was melting under LongWei's touch. "He's a beast when doing that, but a master at massages." Zimo thought as he hummed in delight.

"Baby, I went to the check the boar and deer earlier. I don't think the boar will live passed today." LongWei explained.

"Hm. Should we go to town today to sell it?" Zimo asked curiously.

"It would be best if we could. Zimo will you be fine here alone?" LongWei asked.

"Why do I need to stay here? Shouldn't we go together." Zimo said as he opened his eyes and turned to face LongWei. LongWei had only just returned last night, the thought of separating again so soon felt like a weight pressing down on his chest.

"Baby, with the boar and other animals I will need to go the long way together with the cart. I'm worried your body will suffer." LongWei reasoned.

"I... I don't want to stay here alone." Zimo murmured with a tinge of red staining the corner of his eyes and nose.

"Okay, baby. Let's go together. If you start to feel uncomfortable we can always stop and take a break."

Zimo nodded as he unconsciously relaxed in LongWei embrace.

"Rest a little longer. I'm going to go prepare everything to go." LongWei said as he got up from the bed.

"Dear." Zimo said as he buried himself in the quilt.

"What, baby?" LongWei asked.

"If you're really worried about me, you won't act like such a beast next time." Zimo said as he ducked under the quilt as quick as a bunny.

LongWei stood there and burst in laughter. "That's right baby. You're married to a beast and you have three more little beasts whimpering just outside the door. Baby you can't run. Hahaha!"

Zimo grabbed the pillow and threw it at LongWei before retreating back under the quilt. LongWei gently placed the pillow back on the bed next to his bundled up little birdie before walking out with a smile on his face.


Going down the mountain was a lot harder than Zimo expected. He expected his butt to hurt. Riding the mule cart was never comfortable, but he didn't expect his whole body to ache. He hurt in places he never knew possible.

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