Chapter 101: INN (NSFW)

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Zimo and LongWei reached old man Li's home in the afternoon. The sun was already setting despite them reaching the home earlier than previously. It was a clear sign that winter was coming quickly.


"Who is it?" A young woman called out. Zimo and LongWei looked at each other a little confused.

"It's Yuan LongWei and Zhang Zimo. Is old man Li or Mrs Li in?" LongWei called out in response.

"Just a moment I will go call my mother." She said followed by the sound of footsteps moving further away.

"Mother? Was that maybe Mrs Li daughter? Will us coming here cause them an inconvenience?" Zimo asked concerned.

"Hm. We may not be able to spend the night here. Should we head to town? You haven't had the chance to sleep at an inn, yet." LongWei suggested.

"Hm, it might be for the best, but will they have room for the mule cart and roe deer? What about the tiger cub and wolf pups?" Zimo asked.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Many inn's have stables we can place them inside for the one night. The wolf pups will need to stay in the cart with the mules. As for the tiger cub. We can sneak it in." LongWei explained.

As LongWei and Zimo were discussing alternative arrangements Mrs Li arrived and opened the door.

"XiaoMo, LongWei! It's been awhile since we you last visited. How have you been?" She asked with her usual kind smile.

"We've been a busy getting ready for winter." LongWei said.
"Of course. The weather has been getting very cold recently. XiaoMo dear have you been keeping warm and healthy." Mrs Li asked.

Zimo nodded shyly.

"We'll let's not stand here all day, hurry inside where it's nice and warm." Mrs Li said as she turned to head inside.

"Mrs. Li were just stopping by for a quick hello. We plan on staying at an inn tonight." LongWei said stopping her.

"An inn? Why they are so expensive and it's already getting dark outside. Just stay here as you usual do." Mrs Li asked.

Almost in queue Mrs Li's daughter called out from inside. "Mom, should I go get dad?" She asked.

Remembering how her daughter and son-in-law were visiting, Mrs Li understood LongWei's intention.

"I'm sorry you won't be staying with us tonight." She said dropping the previous conversation.

"Thank you, but Zimo has never spent the night in town before, I plan on showing him around and making it a special night." LongWei said.

"There aren't any special events tonight, but I heard they have a story teller at the restaurant near the butcher on the south side. You should take Zimo to listen." Mrs Li said.

"Thank you for the advice. If we want to make it into town before dark, we will need to leave quickly. See you soon Mrs Li." LongWei said good bye and led Zimo away.

Zimo quietly nodded and followed LongWei back to the mule cart.


By the time they reached town the sun had set. LongWei exited to stay at the inn where the soldiers stayed. Reaching the inn Zimo stayed with the cart as LongWei went in to arrange the room and stable for the animals.

Coming out some time later, LongWei was followed by a young man.

"Zimo, this man works at the inn and will take care of the animals." LongWei said as he introduced the young man.

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