Chapter 125: The Town's Flames

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Zimo and LongWei didn't waste time and quickly made their way into town. Sadly as expected, LongWei saw many fir pits set up for heat. The guards at the entrance, the men who watched the horse or cart animals outside town, even those who were waiting around stood by an open pit.

Looking at the surroundings, LongWei was worried. Theses weren't stoves that had a closed door to contain the fire. They were open pits with flames billowing out the top. With quick thinking LongWei simple covered Zimo's eyes with his large palm as they approached the town entrance.

"Dear, I can't see if you cover my eyes." Zimo said a little confused and distressed by LongWei's action.

"Baby, do you trust me?" LongWei whispered seriously in Zimo's ear.

"I do." Zimo responded still confused.

"I'll lead the way, so keep your eyes closed and trust me." LongWei said as he started to guide zimo away from the ox cart and towards the town gate.He hoped things would look better once inside the town.
Zimo did as he was asked. With his eyes covered he allowed LongWei to move him forward. Unfortunately, things didn't work out as well as LongWei hoped. He didn't account for the smell of the burning wood as the passed the fire pits.

Realizing why LongWei had covered his eyes Zimo tried to keep calm. Even so, his breathing quickened, his heart felt like it would burst, and his face grew pale.

No longer able to endure Zimo turned and dug himself into LongWei's chest. LongWei's heart sank as he looked down at his trembling little birdie.

"Hold on." LongWei thought as he picked Zimo up into his arms and rushed past the many fire pits directly into town. He didn't stop until he made his way to a dark cold alley.

"Baby?" LongWei whispered as he lowered Zimo. Feeling LongWei separate from him, Zimo dug in further. The tips of his fingers white from the force.

LongWei grasped him tighter and whispered in his ear lovingly that everything was okay. Over and over again he whispered as he rubbed Zimo's back until the trembling stopped and Zimo's breathing returned to normal.

Finally calm Zimo released his hold from LongWei and looked up. "Dear, I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Don't apologize baby. I didn't consider things properly. I'm sorry." LongWei said as he hugged Zimo.

Once calm LongWei and Zimo agreed to try again. Inside the town most fires were indoors so they could detour and avoid any open pits. Zimo still struggled, but it was tolerable with LongWei's support.

They reached Han Fengge's restaurant quickly with the roe deer in tow. After being pulled along with the ox cart and the long journey down the mountain. The roe deer wasn't in the best condition. The injury on its leg had worsened despite LongWei's treatment. Even so, they managed to get it to the restaurant alive.

"Boss Yuan?!"

Hearing someone calling out as they moved towards the restaurants back door LongWei turned. To his surprise it was Yan Bo.

"Boss Yuan what brings you here? I thought you two would be hibernating up on the mountain until spring." Yan Bo asked as he approached the two.

"Some things came up, so we needed to come down. How are things with you and your brother?" LongWei asked.

"Things are great. We managed a deal with Han Fengge. Our new shop front is tha' next street over. We focus on tha' fast and cheap meals like our spicy noodles, and we started making spicy meat buns and meat skewers with tha' Sichuan spice. Just like y'a guys made while we worked on the house. They're a big hit.
People can choose t'ah eat inside quickly or take it on tha' road. The money's great, too. Not as much as if we did it alone, but Han Fengge arranges all the ingredients we need. It saves us a lot in the long run." Yan Bo admitted.

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